Combining two messages...

Dirk-Willem van Gulik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Securely random and unpredictable are effectively the same thing.
> Depends on your definition; one-way-function((count++) + (secret)) is
> quite unpredictable; expcet for those knowing the secret. Secure random
> generators give you a value which is unpredictable for all. And are a lot
> more expensive generally.

> > Securely random and unpredictable are effectively the same thing.

> Depends on your definition; one-way-function((count++) + (secret)) is
> quite unpredictable; expcet for those knowing the secret. Secure random
> generators give you a value which is unpredictable for all. And are a lot
> more expensive generally.

What you've just described is a form of cryptographically secure
PRNG called a "message digest in counter mode". This isn't exactly
what I would use but it's roughly equivalent. 


[Eric Rescorla                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

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