Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
We can support runtime package name addition (when the servlet is generated, ask the security manager to protect the package). So it can be optional, i.e. being able to tell jasper to generate servlet using org.apache.jsp (something configurable via JMX ;-) ), without or with a aaa.bbb.ccc. Then when package generation option is selected, then ask the security manager to protect it.. It will be easy to document the functionality and that will improve the security manager protection mechanim (by having the choice of protecting or not a package, and by having the choice of the package name).
I admit I'm almost totally ignorant about this, so can you please
explain why I would want to protect the package used for my JSP pages?
Who am I protecting myself against, what type of attack, in what type
of environment? Given that each web app has it's own classloader and
(I assume) is in control over what goes in it's web app structure, I
just don't see the need for this protection. But I may be totally wrong,
so please enlighten me.

Hans Bergsten                                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gefion Software                       <>
Author of O'Reilly's "JavaServer Pages", covering JSP 1.2 and JSTL 1.0
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