Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:

>>If we look at JSR115, it sugests creating several (3?) permission objects
>>- each will be associated with the request.
>>The creation of those objects will be part of the container ( probably in
>>a valve or other module ).
>>The point is that all _authorization_ decisions will be deletated to
>>a plugin - tomcat will just make the calls. It will be tomcat's
>>job to provide the arguments and deal with the response.
> OK. But I would prefer nmot having that code in the current
> AuthenticatorBase. We will need something inbetween AuthenticatorBase
> and AuthorizationBase (WebPermissionUtil)

As long as authorization (and authentication) does not deal directly with
http requests ( i.e. plain JSR115/Java security  + JAAS ) - I'm fine. 

Separating the authorization and authentication abstractions is one thing -
implementing the request processing is another. WebPermissionUtil needs
to know how to do the calls to authorization/authentication and how to 
provide the right permissions.

I don't see too much value in having AuthenticatorBase and AuthorizatiorBase
- if the authorizer is a ProtectionDomain or Policy, all we need is an
implementation of that, called from the a valve.

>>I don't think mixing HTTP request processing in the authorizer is a good
>>idea, and it seems JSR115 ( at least the published draft ) is on the same
> Well, I agree...if we have something in between Authentication and
> Authorization :-)

That's the current valve - with the authorization code moved in a 
TomcatProtectionDomain class ( that extends ProtectionDomain, is pluggable,
etc )

I would make the JAAS valve the default - and hope that Nacho and the
other people will be able to refactor the LDAP/JDBC valves to JAAS plugin
modules ( bonus: they'll become reusable in other servers that use JAAS ).

>>Another reason to let the authorizer deal with authorization and nothing
>>else. A false will mean "FORBIDDEN". ( we can still know what was
>>forbidden - we'll have to check 3 different permissions )\
> True. Using the permission type we can find the which error type to
> return.

Or what action to perform - redirect to the login page, etc.

>>It seems JSR115 is a bit confused about this - in 4.7 it lists 6
>>alternatives for checking. I don't see why anything more than providing a
>>PermissionCollection and using impies() would be needed.
>>But I'm fine with ProtectionDomain - it adds the CodeSource of the
>>context ( which is good ). Not sure what the principals would be.
> The small problem I see is if we go with a PermissionCollection, people
> interested in extending the model will be limited by the
> PermissionCollection design. I would prefer having an implementation of
> a Policy object instead.

The problem with Policy:
" There is only one Policy object in effect at any given time " ( in

That limits a lot our flexibility.

Having a PermissionCollection per server or per Context still permits
people to have them in the global Policy. 

Each Context will be associated with a CodeSource ( it is already AFAIK ),
and the Policy is just a container for CodeSource->PermissionCollection.

If we use PermissionCollection in our code, it is very easy
to extract it from a Policy ( if one is present ), but we can have more 
flexibility. It would be possible to plug in a PermissionCollection 
in a context - without having it in the Policy, and we can use tomcat
with a "foreign" policy, installed by a different application ( which may
not support 115 )

>>>Here is how I see the process (simplified):
>>>(1) when Tomcat starts, create the Policy (Provider is we standardize on
>>There is no requirement on that - we can create a ProtectionDomain or
>>Policy without 115. ( well, we already do - AFAIK - for the class loader
> Here I mean the Policy implementation.

See my previous comment. 

I'm ok with having a Policy created - but as an optional step, our
code should use PermCollection. If a Policy already exists - and
it can be used ( i.e. 115 compatible ) - we should use it, but it
shouldn't be required. 

( by JSR115 compatible I mean it support the interfaces that allow us
to modify it )

>>>(2) when deploying web.xml, created the appropriate Permission object
>>>(proprietary or 115) and store them inside a PolicyConfiguration object.
>>That's my biggest problem with 115 :-)
>>All J2EE is moving toward JMX - and they define yet another config API.
>>Sorry - I will vote for proprietary here ( actually - JMX ). The Policy
>>will just be an MBean ( of cource, that assummes JMX1.2 - so the mbean
>>server is protected ).
> There is nothing that prevent us implementing a PolicyConfiguration
> using JMX and still be 115 compliant. Doing that will allow changing the
> permission without stopping the container. That's a very nice feature.

I know - my point was that JSR115 should specify the JMX attributes and 
mechanism - instead of defining the interfaces. 
Look at JSR77 for example ( which is far from perfect, but IMO goes in
a very good direction ).

>>Even if some base implementation in java are dependent on the
>>SecurityManager - we'll likely use our own Permission and Policy and
>>ProtectionDomain implementation, and that doesn't have to depend on SM.
> Just fine.
> To summarize (trying to port my UML view using text :-) ), here is the
> way it will work:
> At Startup:
> - create the TomcatPolicyImpl

If one is not present - if tomcat is embeded in a J2EE server, most likely 
one will be. 

Or we just ignore the javadoc spec for Policy - which requires a single
Policy in effect. 

> Deployment
> - generate all the permission
> - add them inside a JMXPolicyConfiguration

as a PolicyCollection, associated with the context

> - add the JMXPolicyConfiguration to TomcatPolicyImpl

or add the PolicyCollection to the Context, and use the 
notifications to inform the policy mapper.

> Runtime
> - AuthenticatorBase: create the permission  (here I wull recommend the
> delagation of the task to a WebPermissionUtil object)
> - AuthenticatorBase: call Authorization (which is TomcatPolicyImpl)

I don't like mixing the Authenticator with request processing either :-)
Let's call it SecurityValve - which will call the Authenticator for
authentication and Policy for authorization.

About Authenticator interface - that's either the current Realm ( with
authorization methods deprecated ), or we standardize on JAAS and 
refactor the existing realms and user database to generic ( tomcat
independent !) JAAS plugins.

> Looks simple :-)  What do you think?

I like it - I think it cleans a lot of things. 


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