Remy Maucherat wrote:

> Tim Funk wrote:
>> Tomcat5 does not compile with JDK1.3. It does with JDK1.4.
>> There is only one line of code that prevents it from compiling with
>> JDK1.3. org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader depends on
>> File.toURI() which does not exist on jdk1.3.
>> I got around this by the performing the following:
>>   return realFile.toURI().toURL();
>>   return new URL("file:" + realFile.toURL().getPath());
>> My patch also has some spurious stuff because my text editor
>> automatically strips all trailing whitespace from lines and converts
>> tabs to spaces. The important stuff is the last 9 lines of the patch
>> file.
> The patch is a bad idea. The change was made to fix RMI related problems.
> What should be done is invoke the appropriate methods through
> reflection, catching any error (and defaulting to the old code if it
> fails).

Well, reflection is a bad idea too :-) A better solution is to use a 
wrapper like jdkCompat ( i.e. a base class with the 1.3 implementation,
extended with a 1.4 impl ). This class could include other 1.4 methods
and their 1.3 equivalent, if any.

This would allow implementing the correct stuff, instead of failing. 


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