remm        2003/02/12 02:29:33

  Modified:    .        RELEASE-NOTES-4.1.txt
  - Status update.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.55      +1346 -1340jakarta-tomcat-4.0/RELEASE-NOTES-4.1.txt
  Index: RELEASE-NOTES-4.1.txt
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/RELEASE-NOTES-4.1.txt,v
  retrieving revision 1.54
  retrieving revision 1.55
  diff -u -r1.54 -r1.55
  --- RELEASE-NOTES-4.1.txt     10 Feb 2003 19:47:40 -0000      1.54
  +++ RELEASE-NOTES-4.1.txt     12 Feb 2003 10:29:32 -0000      1.55
  @@ -1,1340 +1,1346 @@
  -                      Apache Tomcat Version 4.1
  -                      =========================
  -                            Release Notes
  -                            =============
  -This document describes the changes that have been made in the current
  -development version of Apache Tomcat, relative to the Tomcat 4.0 release.
  -The release notes for all prior releases of Tomcat 4.0 are also included, for
  -your reference.
  -Bug reports should be entered at the bug reporting system for
  -Jakarta projects at:
  -Please report bugs and feature requests under product name "Tomcat 4".
  -General New Features:
  -[4.1.1] Administration Webapp:
  -        Complete development of the initial version of the administration web
  -        application.
  -[4.1.5] Administration Webapp:
  -        Add support for manipulating JNDI resources of web applications.
  -[4.1.6] Administration Webapp:
  -        Add support for JavaMail resources.
  -[4.1.6] Tyrex resources:
  -        Upgrade to Tyrex 1.0.
  -[4.1.10] Commons components:
  -         Upgrade to stable releases.
  -[4.1.11] Administration Webapp:
  -         Add support for DefaultContext.
  -[4.1.11] Documentation:
  -         New JK and JK 2 documentation.
  -[4.1.15] i18n:
  -         Complete French language translation.
  -[4.1.19] Documentation:
  -         Added printer friendly versions of the documents.
  -[4.1.19] Administration Webapp:
  -         Complete the accessibility requirements to pass section 508.
  -Catalina New Features:
  -[4.1.3]  Catalina:
  -         Implement custom logger which can be used to capture System.out and
  -         System.err to a buffer for later use.
  -[4.1.3]  SSIServlet:
  -         Complete rewrite of the SSI functionality (WARNING: servlet class name
  -         has changed).
  -[4.1.3]  CoyoteConnector:
  -         Add PureTLS support.
  -[4.1.4]  Embedded:
  -         Add support for Coyote HTTP/1.1 and Coyote JK 2.
  -[4.1.4]  DefaultContext:
  -         Refactoring of DefaultContext to support dynamic configuration (naming
  -         resources and other misc properties).
  -[4.1.4]  MBeanUtils:
  -         Allow specifying custom MBean descriptor files.
  -[4.1.5]  ServerLifecycleListener:
  -         Generate MBeans for the JNDI resources of the contexts.
  -[4.1.8]  BootstrapService:
  -         Allow passing parameters to the BootstrapService.
  -[4.1.15] JNDIRealm:
  -         Add support for SSL with the JNDIRealm.
  -[4.1.16] AuthenticatorBase:
  -         Add a configuration option to disable setting the headers which 
  -         prevent proxies from caching protected pages.  Using this option may
  -         open security holes in your application, so it should only be used
  -         if you are certain about what you are doing.
  -[4.1.16] JNDIRealm:
  -         Allow configuring how JNDI should handle referrals returned 
  -         by the server.
  -[4.1.16] AccessLogValve:
  -         Allow disabling log file rotation, and add new patterns.
  -[4.1.17] DataSourceRealm:
  -         A new Realm implementation which can use a JNDI named JDBC
  -         DataSource has been added.
  -[4.1.19] JNDIRealm:
  -         Added support for using an alternateURL if a socket connection
  -         can not be made to the provider at the connectionURL.
  -[4.1.19] CoyoteConnector:
  -         Add HTTP/1.1 GZIP compression support.
  -[4.1.20] StandardWrapper, ManagerBase:
  -         Added JavaBean fields to expose statistics through JMX.
  -[4.1.20] GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener:
  -         Allow the listener to be associated with a Service.
  -Jasper New Features:
  -[4.1.1] JspServlet, Options:
  -        Add new "reloading" flag allowing to disable the JSP reloading checks,
  -        to allow better performance on production servers.
  -[4.1.1] JspServlet:
  -        Refactor the JSP modification checking as a background thread.
  -[4.1.3] Compiler:
  -        Ant 1.5 based compiler.
  -[4.1.4] Compiler:
  -        Extensive code cleanup.
  -[4.1.4] JspC:
  -        Extensive refactoring of JspC.
  -[4.1.4] Options:
  -        Add new "compiler" option, which contains the Ant name of the Java 
  -        compiler to be used. Please refer to the list in the Ant documentation
  -        for more details.
  -[4.1.4] Generator:
  -        Fix the limitation on the number of tags which can be used within a
  -        single page, which was cause by the 64K bytecode limit for a sigle 
  -        method. Now Jasper generates separate methods for tag bodies when lots
  -        of tags are used.
  -[4.1.4] Generator:
  -        Add tag instance reuse for performance improvement.
  -[4.1.4] Generator:
  -        Add tag BodyContent reuse.
  -[4.1.6] TldLocationsCache:
  -        Add TLD caching.
  -[4.1.6] Options:
  -        Add new "enablePooling" flag, which allows disabling tag reuse.
  -[4.1.8] JspCompilationContext:
  -        Use _ instead of $ to generate file and class names for jsp servlets.
  -[4.1.19] Compiler:
  -         Added new "fork" option. This tells Ant to fork the JSP page javac
  -         compile so that it is run in a different JVM from the one Tomcat
  -         is running in. Please refer to the Jasper-HOWTO for more information.
  -Generic Bug Fixes:
  -[4.1.2] Administration Webapp:
  -        Fix problems with limiting the length of the driverClassName field, as
  -        well as set default values, and add missing JNDI name field.
  -[4.1.2] Administration Webapp:
  -        Fix many problems defining a SSL connector through the administration
  -        webapp.
  -[4.1.2] Administration Webapp:
  -        Many cosmetic fixes.
  -[4.1.3] Administration Webapp:
  -        Fix creation of new connectors through the admin webapp.
  -[4.1.6] Administration webapp:
  -        Context resources administration fixes and improvements.
  -[4.1.6] Compression filter:
  -        Fix compliance problems.
  -[4.1.6] Administration Webapp:
  -        Tweak validation code for the context parameters.
  -[4.1.8] Build:
  -        Tomcat is now built with JDK 1.4.
  -[4.1.9] Administration Webapp:
  -        Specify charset in JSP pages.
  -[4.1.11] Administration Webapp:
  -         Fix adding a context with the administration webapp.
  -[4.1.12] Administration Webapp:
  -         Complete support for DefaultContext.
  -[4.1.15] Administration Webapp:
  -         Fix edition and creation of resource links.
  -[4.1.17] Default configuration:
  -         Connector performance tweaks.
  -[4.1.19] Manager and HTML Manager web applications
  -         Fix bugs 5551, 7826, 8969, 13983, 5629, and 13205
  -         Updated documentation and added some minor new features.
  -         See the Manager App HOW-TO and HTML Manager App HOW-TO
  -         documentation for more information.
  -[4.1.19] Administration Webapp:
  -         Add a check for empty validation query before setting it.
  -[4.1.20] Startup scripts:
  -         Fix classloading failures on JDK 1.4 related to commons-logging, 
  -         which were caused by JARs being set as endorsed and added to the
  -         system classloader.
  -[4.1.20] Xerces:
  -         Upgrade to Xerces 2.3.0.
  -[4.1.20] Administration Webapp:
  -         Additional accessibility improvements.
  -[4.1.20] Administration Webapp:
  -         Fix to prevent localhost from being deleted.
  -[4.1.20] Administration Webapp:
  -         Fix the beahavior of valve creation, where atributes weren't saved.
  -Catalina Bug Fixes:
  -[4.1.1] #8611
  -        Summary: Sealed .jar files in WEB-INF/lib always fail to load 
  -                 second class
  -        WebappClassLoader:
  -        The classloader will now generate codebases URL for classes loaded from
  -        JAR file which point to the JAR, intead of using a nested jar: URL.
  -        This change will affect security manager policy files.
  -[4.1.2] ErrorReportValve:
  -        Made it so the valve will only generate status reports for status codes
  -        over 300.
  -[4.1.2] DbcpDataSourceFactory:
  -        maxIdle attribute couldn't be set.
  -[4.1.2] Facades:
  -        Fixed a problem where the facades would still keep a pointer to the 
  -        facaded objects after the end of the processing of the request.
  -[4.1.3] #7578
  -        Summary: Signed jars loses their certificates when in /WEB-INF/lib
  -        WebappClassLoader:
  -        Fix the timing of the call to JarEntry.getCertificates(), so that the
  -        certificates are set correctly.
  -[4.1.3] WebappClassLoader:
  -        Modify the filters to have a matched class be delegated first, instead
  -        of refusing to load it altogether. Also add filters for javax.*, Xerces
  -        and Xalan.
  -[4.1.3] Endpoint:
  -        Add support for a two phase connector initialization in Coyote, so that
  -        Tomcat can be used as nobody on Unix.
  -[4.1.3] Http11Protocol:
  -        i18n.
  -[4.1.3] StandardServerMBean:
  -        Encode special characters when writing configuration file.
  -[4.1.3] ContextConfig:
  -        Fix NPE when the Embedded class is used.
  -[4.1.3] DBCP:
  -        Use the JNDI factory provided by the commons-dbcp project.
  -[4.1.3] StandardHost:
  -        Modify mapping error uri to provide the source uri.
  -[4.1.3] NamingContextListener:
  -        Fix a bug where the listener was registered on all lifecycle events.
  -[4.1.3] #7656
  -        Summary: Webapplications deployed using PUT don't survive 
  -        a tomcat restart
  -        StandardServer:
  -        Move the save to XML functionality out of the JMX code, and make the
  -        ManagerServlet use it after a deploy, so that the deployed application
  -        is persistent.
  -[4.1.3] #9353
  -        Transfer-Encoding: chunked (on Request fails)
  -        ChunkedInputFilter:
  -        In rare cases, the data read could be corrupted.
  -[4.1.3] ManagerServlet:
  -        Handle resources nested in subcontexts.
  -[4.1.3] NamingResources:
  -        Prevent naming resources overriding.
  -[4.1.4] HostConfig:
  -        Do web.xml tracking on all contexts.
  -[4.1.4] NamingResources:
  -        Fix entries removal.
  -[4.1.4] ContextBindings:
  -        JNDI environment is now available to webapp created classloaders, as
  -        long as the webapp classloader is in its parent hierarchy.
  -[4.1.4] ManagerServlet:
  -        Save configuration when undeploying.
  -[4.1.4] #9629
  -        Fix ServletContext.getResourcePaths to match spec
  -        ApplicationContext:
  -        getResourcePaths now returns null for non existing paths.
  -[4.1.4] #9676
  -        org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory doesn't recognize 
  -        keystoreType attribute
  -        Http11Protocol:
  -        Add missing setKeytype method.
  -[4.1.4] #5446
  -        Can't change webapp class loader
  -        WebappLoader:
  -        Use introspection to instantiate the class loader.
  -[4.1.5] #9715
  -        'Out of Memory' error with static html pages
  -        ProxyDirContext:
  -        Use a LRU based cache instead of a simple hashtable.
  -[4.1.4] #9722
  -        java.lang.ClassCastException: 
  -        org.apache.catalina.connector.HttpRequestFacade
  -        ApplicationDispatcher:
  -        The check to unwrap must also handle facades.
  -[4.1.5] #9700
  -        JNDIRealm authentication incorrectly succeeds with blank password
  -        JNDIRealm:
  -        The security exploit has been fixed.
  -[4.1.5] HTMLManagerServlet:
  -        Many improvements and small feature additions.
  -[4.1.5] #8935
  -        Deadlock with reload in manager
  -        StandardWrapper:
  -        The deallocation of a wrapper will not timeout after 500 ms.
  -[4.1.5] #8013
  -        DefaultServlet Throws NumberFormatException
  -        DefaultServlet:
  -        Use getDateHeader instead of instance local date parsers to solve
  -        thread safety issues.
  -[4.1.6] WebappClassLoader:
  -        Fix a rare thread safety issue.
  -[4.1.6] #9944
  -        JAASRealm not configurable
  -        JAASRealm:
  -        Fix configuration of the appName and userClassNames attributes.
  -[4.1.6] StandardSession:
  -        Fix session recycling.
  -[4.1.6] #9318
  -        Summary: HttpSession getMaxInactiveInterval() throws 
  -        IllegalStateException
  -        StandardSession:
  -        Don't throw ISE.
  -[4.1.6] ContextConfig:
  -        Don't remove JNDI resources when stopping a web application.
  -[4.1.6] StandardWrapper:
  -        Capture System.out and System.err during load-on-startup.
  -[4.1.6] ApplicationContext:
  -        Fix major memory leak in the request dispatcher. Also improves 
  -        performance.
  -[4.1.6] ApplicationHttpResponse:
  -        Disallow using setLocale from an included servlet.
  -[4.1.6] StandardContext:
  -        Reset application context when stopping.
  -[4.1.8] BootstrapService:
  -        Prevent NPE when DaemonContext is not well initialised.
  -[4.1.8] StandardServer:
  -        Make sure the global resources are correctly initialized even if there
  -        is no GlobalNamingResources element in server.xml.
  -[4.1.8] MBean-descriptors:
  -        Add PersistentManager MBean info to mbeans-descripor.xml so it doesn't
  -        complain in case if you have PersistentManager.
  -[4.1.8] #10967
  -        Summary: Java Deadlock in WebappClassLoader
  -        WebappClassLoader:
  -        Make ResourceEntry a separate class.
  -[4.1.8] StandardSession:
  -        Set manager to null before recycling.
  -[4.1.9] StandardClassLoader:
  -        Avoid potential security exception by not calling getParent.
  -[4.1.9] #11307
  -        Summary: Deadlock in ClassLoader
  -        WebappClassLoader:
  -        Fix deadlock condition by modifying the synced block.
  -[4.1.9] StandardHostDeployer:
  -        Fire event when undeploying.
  -[4.1.10] AuthenticatorBase:
  -         Remove double URI decoding.
  -[4.1.10] StandardHost:
  -         Refactor log capture.
  -[4.1.10] StandardServer:
  -         Output server.xml in UTF8.
  -[4.1.10] WebappClassLoader:
  -         Fix problem where external repositories would always be ignored.
  -[4.1.10] WebappClassLoader:
  -         Generate properly encoded URLs.
  -[4.1.10] #12041
  -         Summary: CGIServlet can block on input
  -         CGIServlet:
  -         Fix possible deadlock when reading CGI script output.
  -[4.1.10] ErrorDispatcherValve:
  -         Unwrap root cause error.
  -[4.1.10] Documentation:
  -         Fixes and small additons to the DBCP documentation.
  -[4.1.10] StandardContext:
  -         Add new "swallowOutput" flag, to allow configuring logger redirection.
  -[4.1.11] catalina.policy:
  -         Modify the file to reflect the new URLs to be used for codebase
  -         declarations.
  -[4.1.11] StandardContext:
  -         Change the timing of the directory context allocation (now done 
  -         during start which is more consistent with the lifecycle of other
  -         components).
  -[4.1.11] #12041
  -         CGIServlet:
  -         Better fix for bugzilla 12041 running an extra thread to deal 
  -         with STDERR.
  -[4.1.11] CGIServlet:
  -         Fix for CGI scripts run from a POST operation never get any 
  -         posted data.
  -[4.1.11] DefaultServlet:
  -         Assume text file when MIME type is unknown for including purposes.
  -[4.1.11] ManagerServlet:
  -         Allow manager to do operations on the root webapp.
  -[4.1.11] BootstrapService:
  -         Allow parameters to BootstrapService for jni/mod_jk2.
  -[4.1.11] FileDirContext:
  -         Add an option to allow symlinking (allowLinking).
  -[4.1.11] FileDirContext:
  -         Make the case sensitivity check based on the value of the 
  -         "caseSensitive" flag rather than on the path separator. Most Unix OSes
  -         can set that to false.
  -[4.1.12] SSLAuthenticator:
  -         Add back client authentication support.
  -[4.1.12] SECURITY:
  -         Disable InvokerServlet in the default webapp configuration, 
  -         and restrict the servlets it can invoke.
  -[4.1.12] #12286
  -         JDBCStore:
  -         Fix NPE on shutdown.
  -[4.1.13] StandardContext:
  -         Major refactoring of the resources lifecycle handling, which is now 
  -         similar to the one of the other components.
  -[4.1.13] #12985
  -         StandardWrapper:
  -         Fix load on startup bug for JSPs.
  -[4.1.13] StandardWrapper:
  -         Add log swallowing support.
  -[4.1.13] InvokerServlet:
  -         SECURITY: Check the classname of the invoked servlet.
  -[4.1.13] #13513
  -         StandardManager:
  -         Add disabling persistence with a blank String.
  -[4.1.13] Catalina:
  -         SECURITY: Add security manager protection on Coyote components.
  -[4.1.13] ErrorReportValve:
  -         Performance optimization: don't generate a status report for status 
  -         codes < 400.
  -[4.1.13] ProxyDirContext:
  -         Cache non existing resources list to provide a major speedup for 
  -         welcome files processing.
  -[4.1.13] ProxyDirContext:
  -         Avoid object creation when reproting a not found resource.
  -[4.1.13] ProxyDirContext:
  -         Peformance fix: allow directory caching.
  -[4.1.14] Catalina:
  -         Fix security manager package protection configuration.
  -[4.1.14] ContextConfig:
  -         Fix TLD processing.
  -[4.1.15] #13583
  -         ApplicationContext:
  -         Add path normalization.
  -[4.1.15] FileDirContext:
  -         allowLinking will also disable case sensitivity checks (which are
  -         relatively similar).
  -[4.1.15] #13364
  -         StandardDefaultContext:
  -         Properly refresh naming entries defined in the DefaultContext after a
  -         reload.
  -[4.1.16] server.xml
  -         Disable timeout for JK2 connector.
  -[4.1.16] MBeanUtils:
  -         Relax restrictions on valve MBeans creation.
  -[4.1.16] #14781
  -         CGIServlet:
  -         Remove dependency on JDK 1.4.
  -[4.1.16] FileStore:
  -         Check for the existence of the session store file.
  -[4.1.16] SSI:
  -         Conditional SSI enhancement, better emulation of Apache SSI,
  -         fix expression parser's handling of literals.
  -[4.1.17] #15086
  -         StandardWrapper:
  -         Use the swallowOutput flag when unloading.
  -[4.1.17] #15077
  -         StandardWrapper:
  -         Mark servlets as unavailable when the wrapper is stopped.
  -[4.1.17] CGIServlet, SSIServlet:
  -         Fix for SSI "normal" configuration which invokes a CGI script.
  -[4.1.17] #15239
  -         NamingResourcesMBean:
  -         Fix resource link creation.
  -[4.1.18] CoyoteWriter, CoyoteResponse:
  -         SECURITY: Fix writer reuse after an IOException occurred.
  -[4.1.19] #15544
  -         DataSourceRealm:
  -         Fixed the Realm-HOWTO docs for the DataSourceRealm.
  -[4.1.19] #10383
  -         Ajp13:
  -         Fix hanging Ajp13Processor and web server request when invalid 
  -         Cookie sent. An HTTP status code 400 - Bad Request is now returned.
  -[4.1.19] ApplicationFilterConfig:
  -         Wrap filter initialization with swallow output.
  -[4.1.19] #15819
  -         StandardServer:
  -         Don't write out listeners for StandardDefaultContext.
  -[4.1.19] #15762
  -         StandardServer:
  -         Filter special characters in DataSource URL.
  -[4.1.19] #15890
  -         DefaultServlet:
  -         Invalid date headers should be ignored.
  -[4.1.19] ManagerBase:
  -         Add code to guarantee uniqueness of a session ID (even though the
  -         probability that this event occurs is negligible, some people feel
  -         more comfortable with that code enabled).
  -[4.1.19] RequestFilterValve:
  -         Catch null pointer property to match on, deny by default if found.
  -[4.1.19] #15378
  -         ProxyDirContext:
  -         Fix cache invalidation problem when creating subcontexts or modifying
  -         attributes.
  -[4.1.20] #16316
  -         DataSourceRealm:
  -         Removed code which validates the realm can connect to the db from
  -         the realm start in case the JNDI named DataSource has not been
  -         initialized yet.
  -[4.1.20] #16106
  -         StandardServer:
  -         Fix a problem where some valves would be incorrectly written 
  -         to server.xml.
  -[4.1.20] StandardSession:
  -         Don't recycle sessions, as the performance gain is minimal.
  -[4.1.20] CookieTools:
  -         Add spaces after ; in cookies. This avoids problems with IE on Mac.
  -[4.1.20] Manager:
  -         Add missing security mapping for deploy (this bug was introduced 
  -         in 4.1.19).
  -Coyote Bug Fixes:
  -[4.1.13] #12998
  -         CoyoteAdapter:
  -         Fix compatibility problem with AJP.
  -[4.1.13] #13162
  -         CoyoteAdapter:
  -         Decode the URI as a URI, not as a query-string.
  -[4.1.13] #13658
  -         CoyoteAdapter:
  -         Arrange to have the SSL attributes in the CoyoteRequest so that they 
  -         show up for getAttributeNames.
  -[4.1.13] CoyoteConnector:
  -         Allow disabling proxyName with an empty string.
  -[4.1.13] CoyoteInputStream:
  -         Implement available().
  -[4.1.13] CoyoteResponse:
  -         Fix sendRedirect URL generation.
  -[4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 Constants:
  -         Increase max HTTP header buffer size to 48K.
  -[4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  -         Performance: Save on B2C for host name handling.
  -[4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  -         Performance: Use bytes comparisons to check the "connection" header
  -         values.
  -[4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 InternalOutputBuffer:
  -         Performance: improve header generation.
  -[4.1.13] #13270
  -         JK2 ChannelSocket:
  -         TCP no delay was not implemented.
  -[4.1.13] JK2 HandlerRequest:
  -         Fix tomcatAuthentication support.
  -[4.1.13] #11657
  -         JK2 JkMain:
  -         Initialize https URLs if only JK connector is used.
  -[4.1.13] Fix broken JSSE/SSL-support and include support for Cert-Auth with
  -         JSSE 1.1.x.
  -[4.1.15] JK2 JkCoyoteHander:
  -         Fix problem where the same buffer was used for output and input.
  -[4.1.15] Tomcat 4 Adapter:
  -         Closing the output stream or writer in the Tomcat 4 adapter will now
  -         finish the response.
  -[4.1.15] HTTP/1.1 InternalOutputBuffer:
  -         Fix possible loop scenarios which could happen if an invalid 0 length
  -         read was made.
  -[4.1.15] Coyote Response:
  -         Improve special header handling to allow protocol handler to enforce
  -         the protocol.
  -[4.1.15] #14281
  -         Tomcat 4 Adapter OutputBuffer:
  -         Properly compute the total size of the content written.
  -[4.1.16] Tomcat 4 Adapter:
  -         Performance: Delayed evaluation of the remote host address.
  -[4.1.16] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  -         Performance: Allow disabling upload timeout.
  -[4.1.16] #14658
  -         Tomcat 4 Adapter CoyoteWriter:
  -         Performance: Full reimplementation of PrintWriter, fixing syncing as
  -         well as performance problems which occurred when a client abruplty
  -         disconnected.
  -[4.1.16] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  -         Performance: Save on GC for commonly used Strings for protocol and
  -         method name.
  -[4.1.16] HTTP/1.1 InternalOutputBuffer:
  -         Fix for an ArrayOutOfBound exception which could occur when 
  -         IOException (usually caused by a client disconnect) was raised
  -         during a commit.
  -[4.1.16] JK2 ChannelSocket:
  -         Handle timeout exceptions.
  -[4.1.16] JK2 ChannelSocket:
  -         Allow disabling channel socket for JNI, as well as binding a specific
  -         adress.
  -[4.1.16] JK2 HandlerRequest:
  -         Fix null getRemoteHost.
  -[4.1.16] JK2 HandlerRequest, JKCoyoteHandler:
  -         Lazy extraction of ssl certs to speed up jk/ajp13 when under SSL.
  -[4.1.17] ActionCode:
  -         Allow ActionCode to be used in a switch.
  -[4.1.17] Response:
  -         Fix Locale initilization to the default locale (en-us).
  -[4.1.17] #15201
  -         Tomcat 4 Adapter:
  -         Fix SSL attributes retrival with JK 2.
  -[4.1.17] Tomcat 4 Adapter CoyoteResponse:
  -         encodeURL does not encode session with empty URL (rfc2396).
  -[4.1.17] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  -         Fix incorrect setting of the socket timeout when the connection is
  -         first established.
  -[4.1.17] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  -         Performance: Optimize soTimeout management when the upload timeout is
  -         disabled.
  -[4.1.17] PoolTcpEndpoint:
  -         Reduce synchornization by not using connection object pooling. Also
  -         minimize the amount of time during which no thread is listening on 
  -         the server socket.
  -[4.1.17] ThreadPool:
  -         Reduce synchronization by using an array of threads instead of 
  -         a Vector.
  -[4.1.17] #15258
  -         JK 2 ChannelSocket:
  -         Bind all addresses by default.
  -[4.1.18] #15456
  -         JK 2 CoyoteHandler:
  -         Fix NPE occurring in SSL mode.
  -[4.1.19] ActionCode:
  -         Fix incorrect number which could cause bad matching.
  -[4.1.19] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  -         Fix case sensitivity matching of some special header values, which 
  -         could prevent HTTP/1.0 keep alive with some clients.
  -[4.1.19] PoolTcpEndpoint:
  -         Fix incorrect handling when an exception occurs during a SSL 
  -         handshake.
  -[4.1.19] PoolTcpEndpoint:
  -         More robust socket restart code for the case where an exception occurs
  -         during an accept.
  -[4.1.19] ThreadPool:
  -         Remove thread from active thread list when it ends.
  -[4.1.20] CoyoteConnector:
  -         Allow setting socket linger.
  -Jasper Bug Fixes:
  -[4.1.1] #8290
  -        Summary: Problem in the code generated by jasper 2
  -        Generator:
  -        This workaround for a JDK bug (BugParade Id: 4414162) introduces 
  -        a massive performance improvement when using pages containing 
  -        lots of tags.
  -[4.1.2] Generator:
  -        Fixes various problems introduced by the patch which removes 
  -        the try/catch tag nesting.
  -[4.1.2] #8994
  -        Summary: JSPs don't recompile
  -        JspServletWrapper:
  -        Fix JSP recompilation when the new "development" flag is set to "true".
  -[4.1.3] #5793
  -        Summary: Variable element in tld with TagExtraInfo class
  -        TagLibraryInfoImpl:
  -        Fix spec compliance problem.
  -[4.1.3] PagaDataImpl:
  -        Fix bug where only one validator could be used on a page.
  -[4.1.3] #8565
  -        Summary: MyEntityResolver doesn't allow including user-defined entities
  -[4.1.3] Generator:
  -        Use an array instead of a collection to simulate the try/catch nesting.
  -[4.1.3] Generator:
  -        Fix spec compliance bug where a tag could define scripting variables in
  -        both the TLD and the TagExtraInfo class.
  -[4.1.5] Generator, PageContextImpl:
  -        Fix tag BodyContent reuse.
  -[4.1.5] Generator:
  -        Code cleanup, removing the need for a state object.
  -[4.1.5] Generator:
  -        Fix bug when specifying a redirect which already included part of a 
  -        quesry string.
  -[4.1.5] Compiler:
  -        Clean up Ant error message generation.
  -[4.1.5] #8926
  -        Summary: Duplicate variable definition in generated Java source, 
  -        related to custom tag scripting variable
  -        Generator:
  -        Fix variable declaration locations.
  -[4.1.6] Compiler:
  -        Further refactoring of the compiler.
  -[4.1.6] #10048
  -        Summary: JSP forward removes ALL response wrappers
  -        PageContextImpl:
  -        Only unwrap Jasper added response wrapper.
  -[4.1.6] #10035
  -        Summary: <jsp:params> in <jsp:plugin> rejected
  -        Parser:
  -        <jsp:params> elements are now allowed.
  -[4.1.6] #9996
  -        Summary: <@%include> breaks when the included page contains non-ascii 
  -        encoding
  -        Validator:
  -        Fix charset handling.
  -[4.1.6] Generator:
  -        Many fixes to nested tags and scripting variables handling.
  -[4.1.6] Generator:
  -        Add synchronization of the scripting variables.
  -[4.1.8] #10896
  -        Summary: Parsing ContentType error
  -        ParserController:
  -        Fix parsing.
  -[4.1.8] #10713
  -        Summary: Backslashes quoting quotes in attributes does not work
  -        Parser:
  -        Fix parsing.
  -[4.1.8] #10711
  -        Summary: Relative filenames with ../ do not work for JSP-includes
  -        JspCompilationContext:
  -        Add back path normalization code.
  -[4.1.8] #10670
  -        Summary: Problem in JSP compilation
  -        Generator:
  -        Fix compilation problem.
  -[4.1.8] #10766
  -        Summary: <%@ page extends %> causes ClassCastException
  -        JspServletWrapper:
  -        Fix regression caused by the included JSP modification tracking.
  -[4.1.9] #11463
  -        Summary: PageContextImpl.removeAttribute do not work correctly without
  -        session object
  -        PageContextImpl:
  -        Add check for the existence of the session.
  -[4.1.9] Validator:
  -        Fix bug in setting the default content-type.
  -[4.1.9] #10949
  -        Summary: Jasper2 compile error with struts logic tag & jsp:include
  -        Generator:
  -        Fix generated response type to HttpServletResponse.
  -[4.1.9] #10629
  -        Summary: include directive fails when referencing Parent Path within 
  -        a WAR
  -        JspCompilationContext:
  -        Canonicalize URIs used for getResource and getResourceAsStream.
  -[4.1.10] #11891
  -         Summary: JspC does not work for webapps
  -         JspC:
  -         Fix -webapp option.
  -[4.1.10] Compiler, Generator:
  -         Added step to determine which scripting variables must be declared.
  -[4.1.10] #11942
  -         Summary: reassignment of variables to pagecontext attributes in body 
  -         loop
  -[4.1.10] #11552
  -         Summary: Iteration tags do not resynchronize scripting variables after
  -         doAfterBody()
  -[4.1.10] #12128
  -         Summary: JSP Comment end symbol not recognized in some cases
  -[4.1.11] Compiler:
  -         Update to work with Jikes with all features.
  -[4.1.11] #12387
  -         Compiler:
  -         Work around limitations of the Ant path tokenization by using files.
  -[4.1.11] Generator:
  -         For the conversion of the value used in includes and others 
  -         to a String, as was done in previous Tomcat releases.
  -[4.1.11] Generator:
  -         Added synchronization of NESTED and AT_BEGIN variables after call to
  -         doStartTag() of tag handlers implementing IterationTag, but not
  -         BodyTag.
  -[4.1.11] #12432
  -         Generator:
  -         Can't compile JSP with nested custom tags that have VariableInfo.
  -[4.1.11] JspServletWrapper:
  -         Fix Jasper when "development" option is set to "false".
  -[4.1.12] JspRuntimeContext:
  -         Add permission to allow reading the work directory.
  -[4.1.13] #13144
  -         Generator:
  -         Ending comment eats up line following.
  -[4.1.13] #13536
  -         Generator:
  -         Bad <jsp:param> value in plugin if the value is an expression.
  -[4.1.13] JspRuntimeContext:
  -         Make sure the CodeSource for JSP pages is created consistently 
  -         the same.
  -[4.1.13] #13206
  -         JspRuntimeLibrary:
  -         Invalid java bean property error message could be reported better.
  -[4.1.13] #13843
  -         JspServlet:
  -         Fix locking on Windows of big JSP files.
  -[4.1.14] Compiler:
  -         Add global synchronization on the javac invocation.
  -[4.1.15] Jspc:
  -         Rename "--compile" option to "-compile" (it was undocumented).
  -[4.1.15] #14195
  -         ErrorDispatcher:
  -         Fix NPE.
  -[4.1.15] #14197
  -         Generator:
  -         Allow jspDestroy to be overriden.
  -[4.1.15] PageContextImpl:
  -         Avoid flushing after processing the page.
  -[4.1.16] #14577
  -         Generator:
  -         Declarations should geneate a '\n' at end.
  -[4.1.16] #14699
  -         Generator:
  -         Scripting variables declared AT_END do not work when tag
  -         implements TryCatchFinally.
  -[4.1.17] Compiler:
  -         Make exception reports more detailed.
  -[4.1.19] #15531
  -         Background Thread Recompile:
  -         Fixed a thread synchronization bug which could cause the thread which
  -         does background JSP recompiles (development=false) to die.
  -[4.1.19] #14200
  -         TldLocationCache:
  -         TLDs under WEB-INF are not scanned for URI mappings.
  -[4.1.19] JspWriterImpl:
  -         Remove custom flushing, which caused client disconnects to log
  -         stack traces with Jasper.
  -[4.1.19] #15105
  -         PageContextImpl:
  -         pushBody()/popBody() error on tomcat 4.1.X.
  -[4.1.20] #15845
  -         Fixed JSP page compiles so that objects created for performing
  -         the JSP page compiles which are not reused are dereferenced so
  -         they are eligible for GC. This should reduce the memory footprint
  -         and improve GC performance.
  -[4.1.20] JspC:
  -         Port fixes to JspC from HEAD, including support for packaged JSPs, and
  -         fixes to webapp precompilation.
  -[4.1.20] Compiler:
  -         Dereference objects used during compilation, in order to allow 
  -         garbage collection.
  -[4.1.20] Compiler:
  -         Fixed a NPE caused by nulling errorDispatcher.
  -[4.1.20] #16181
  -         Generator:
  -         JspWriter not restored properly when exception thrown 
  -         in a tag's body content.
  -[4.1.20] #16200
  -         Generator:
  -         Fix isThreadSafe functionality.
  -[4.1.20] #16449
  -         JspServletWrapper:
  -         Fix race condition in the reloading check by using an object local
  -         boolean.
  -* Tomcat 4.1 and JNI Based Applications
  -* Tomcat 4.1 Standard APIs Available
  -* Tomcat 4.1 and XML Parsers
  -* Web application reloading and static fields in shared libraries
  -* JAVAC leaking memory
  -* Linux and Sun JDK 1.2.x - 1.3.x
  -* Enabling SSI and CGI Support
  -* Security manager URLs
  -* Using Jasper 1 with Tomcat 4.1
  -* Administrartion web application
  -* Symlinking static resources
  -* Enabling invoker servlet
  -Tomcat 4.1 and JNI Based Applications:
  -Applications that require native libraries must ensure that the libraries have
  -been loaded prior to use.  Typically, this is done with a call like:
  -  static {
  -    System.loadLibrary("path-to-library-file");
  -  }
  -in some class.  However, the application must also ensure that the library is
  -not loaded more than once.  If the above code were placed in a class inside
  -the web application (i.e. under /WEB-INF/classes or /WEB-INF/lib), and the
  -application were reloaded, the loadLibrary() call would be attempted a second
  -To avoid this problem, place classes that load native libraries outside of the
  -web application, and ensure that the loadLibrary() call is executed only once
  -during the lifetime of a particular JVM.
  -Tomcat 4.1 Standard APIs Available:
  -A standard installation of Tomcat 4 makes all of the following APIs available
  -for use by web applications (by placing them in "common/lib" or "shared/lib"):
  -* activation.jar (Java Activation Framework)
  -* ant.jar (Apache Ant 1.5)
  -* commons-collections.jar (Commons Collections 2.0)
  -* commons-dbcp.jar (Commons DBCP 1.0)
  -* commons-logging-api.jar (Commons Logging 1.0.1)
  -* commons-pool.jar (Commons Pool 1.0)
  -* jasper-compiler.jar (Jasper 2 Compiler)
  -* jasper-runtime.jar (Jasper 2 Runtime)
  -* jdbc2_0-stdext.jar (JDBC 2.0 Optional Package, javax.sql.*)
  -* jndi.jar (JNDI 1.2 base API classes)
  -* jta.jar (Java Transacation API 1.0.1a)
  -* mail.jar (JavaMail 1.2)
  -* naming-common.jar (JNDI Context implementation)
  -* naming-factory.jar (JNDI object factories)
  -* naming-resources.jar (JNDI DirContext implementations)
  -* servlet.jar (Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 APIs)
  -You can make additional APIs available to all of your web applications by
  -putting unpacked classes into a "classes" directory (not created by default),
  -or by placing them in JAR files in the "lib" directory.
  -Tomcat 4.1 also makes available Xerces 2 to web applications.
  -Tomcat 4.1 and XML Parsers:
  -As described above, Tomcat 4.1 makes an XML parser (and many other standard
  -APIs) available to web applications.  This parser is also used internally
  -to parse web.xml files and the server.xml configuration file.  If you wish,
  -you may replace the "xercesImpl.jar" file in "common/endorsed" with another 
  -XML parser, as long as it is compatible with the JAXP 1.1 APIs.
  -Web application reloading and static fields in shared libraries:
  -Some shared libraries (many are part of the JDK) keep references to objects
  -instantiated by the web application. To avoid class loading related problems
  -(ClassCastExceptions, messages indicating that the classloader 
  -is stopped, ...), the shared libraries state should be reinitialized.
  -Something which could help is to avoid putting classes which would be 
  -referenced by a shared static field in the web application classloader, 
  -and put them in the shared classloader instead (the JARs should be put in the 
  -"lib" folder, and classes should be put in the "classes" folder).
  -JAVAC leaking memory:
  -The Java compiler leaks memory each time a class is compiled. Web applications
  -containing hundreds of JSP files may as a result trigger out of memory errors 
  -once a significant number of pages have been accessed. The memory can only be 
  -freed by stopping Tomcat and then restarting it.
  -The JSP command line compiler (JSPC) can also be used to precompile the JSPs.
  -You can prevent this by setting the JspServlet init parameter fork to true
  -in conf/web.xml. This tells jasper to invoke java compiles of JSP pages
  -as an external process.
  -Linux and Sun JDK 1.2.x - 1.3.x:
  -Virtual machine crashes can be experienced when using certain combinations of
  -kernel / glibc under Linux with Sun Hotspot 1.2 to 1.3. The crashes were 
  -reported to occur mostly on startup. Sun JDK 1.4 does not exhibit the problems,
  -and neither does IBM JDK for Linux.
  -The problems can be fixed by reducing the default stack size. At bash shell, 
  -do "ulimit -s 2048"; use "limit stacksize 2048" for tcsh.
  -GLIBC 2.2 / Linux 2.4 users should also define an environment variable:
  -export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
  -Enabling SSI and CGI Support:
  -Having CGI and SSI available to web applications created security problems when
  -using a security manager (as a malicious web application could use them to 
  -sidestep the security manager access control). In Tomcat 4.1, they have been
  -disabled by default, as our goal is to provide a fully secure default 
  -configuration. However, CGI and SSI remain available.
  -On Windows:
  -* rename the file %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-cgi.renametojar to
  -  %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-cgi.jar.
  -* rename the file %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-ssi.renametojar to
  -  %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-ssi.jar.
  -* in %CATALINA_HOME%\conf\web.xml, uncomment the servlet declarations starting
  -  line 165 and 213, as well as the associated servlet mappings 
  -  line 265 and 274. Alternately, these servlet declarations and mappings can
  -  be added to your web application deployment descriptor.
  -On Unix:
  -* rename the file $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-cgi.renametojar to
  -  $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-cgi.jar.
  -* rename the file $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-ssi.renametojar to
  -  $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-ssi.jar.
  -* in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml, uncomment the servlet declarations starting
  -  line 165 and 213, as well as the associated servlet mappings 
  -  line 265 and 274. Alternately, these servlet declarations and mappings can
  -  be added to your web application deployment descriptor.
  -Security manager URLs:
  -The URLs to be used in the policy file to grant permissions to JARs located
  -inside the web application repositories have changed in Tomcat 4.1.
  -In Tomcat 4.0, codeBase URLs for JARs loaded from web application 
  -repositories were:
  -In Tomcat 4.1, they should be:
  -Using Jasper 1 with Tomcat 4.1:
  -It is possible to use Jasper 1 (included in Tomcat 4.0.x) with Tomcat 4.1, as
  -it has the same API and supports the same JSP API.
  -To use Jasper 1 instead of Jasper 2, copy the two following JARs to
  -$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib (overwriting the two existing JARs):
  -* $TOMCAT40_HOME/lib/jasper-runtime.jar
  -* $TOMCAT40_HOME/lib/jasper-compiler.jar
  -However, users are urged to use the version of Jasper included with Tomcat 4.1
  -(Jasper 2), as it has much higher performance and scalability than Jasper 1.
  -Administrartion web application:
  -The administration web application should currently be considered beta quality
  -code, but is supported as an official component of Tomcat 4.1.
  -A finalized version will be delivered in an upcoming Tomcat 4.1 release.
  -Symlinking static resources:
  -Unix symlinks will not work when used in a web application to link resources 
  -located outside the web application root directory.
  -This behavior is optional, and the "allowLinking" flag may be used to disable
  -the check.
  -Enabling invoker servlet:
  -Starting with Tomcat 4.1.12, the invoker servlet is no longer available by 
  -default in all webapp. Enabling it for all webapps is possible by editing
  -$CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml to uncomment the "/servlet/*" servlet-mapping
  -Using the invoker servlet in a production environment is not recommended and
  -is unsupported.
  +                      Apache Tomcat Version 4.1
  +                      =========================
  +                            Release Notes
  +                            =============
  +This document describes the changes that have been made in the current
  +development version of Apache Tomcat, relative to the Tomcat 4.0 release.
  +The release notes for all prior releases of Tomcat 4.0 are also included, for
  +your reference.
  +Bug reports should be entered at the bug reporting system for
  +Jakarta projects at:
  +Please report bugs and feature requests under product name "Tomcat 4".
  +General New Features:
  +[4.1.1] Administration Webapp:
  +        Complete development of the initial version of the administration web
  +        application.
  +[4.1.5] Administration Webapp:
  +        Add support for manipulating JNDI resources of web applications.
  +[4.1.6] Administration Webapp:
  +        Add support for JavaMail resources.
  +[4.1.6] Tyrex resources:
  +        Upgrade to Tyrex 1.0.
  +[4.1.10] Commons components:
  +         Upgrade to stable releases.
  +[4.1.11] Administration Webapp:
  +         Add support for DefaultContext.
  +[4.1.11] Documentation:
  +         New JK and JK 2 documentation.
  +[4.1.15] i18n:
  +         Complete French language translation.
  +[4.1.19] Documentation:
  +         Added printer friendly versions of the documents.
  +[4.1.19] Administration Webapp:
  +         Complete the accessibility requirements to pass section 508.
  +Catalina New Features:
  +[4.1.3]  Catalina:
  +         Implement custom logger which can be used to capture System.out and
  +         System.err to a buffer for later use.
  +[4.1.3]  SSIServlet:
  +         Complete rewrite of the SSI functionality (WARNING: servlet class name
  +         has changed).
  +[4.1.3]  CoyoteConnector:
  +         Add PureTLS support.
  +[4.1.4]  Embedded:
  +         Add support for Coyote HTTP/1.1 and Coyote JK 2.
  +[4.1.4]  DefaultContext:
  +         Refactoring of DefaultContext to support dynamic configuration (naming
  +         resources and other misc properties).
  +[4.1.4]  MBeanUtils:
  +         Allow specifying custom MBean descriptor files.
  +[4.1.5]  ServerLifecycleListener:
  +         Generate MBeans for the JNDI resources of the contexts.
  +[4.1.8]  BootstrapService:
  +         Allow passing parameters to the BootstrapService.
  +[4.1.15] JNDIRealm:
  +         Add support for SSL with the JNDIRealm.
  +[4.1.16] AuthenticatorBase:
  +         Add a configuration option to disable setting the headers which 
  +         prevent proxies from caching protected pages.  Using this option may
  +         open security holes in your application, so it should only be used
  +         if you are certain about what you are doing.
  +[4.1.16] JNDIRealm:
  +         Allow configuring how JNDI should handle referrals returned 
  +         by the server.
  +[4.1.16] AccessLogValve:
  +         Allow disabling log file rotation, and add new patterns.
  +[4.1.17] DataSourceRealm:
  +         A new Realm implementation which can use a JNDI named JDBC
  +         DataSource has been added.
  +[4.1.19] JNDIRealm:
  +         Added support for using an alternateURL if a socket connection
  +         can not be made to the provider at the connectionURL.
  +[4.1.19] CoyoteConnector:
  +         Add HTTP/1.1 GZIP compression support.
  +[4.1.20] StandardWrapper, ManagerBase:
  +         Added JavaBean fields to expose statistics through JMX.
  +[4.1.20] GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener:
  +         Allow the listener to be associated with a Service.
  +Jasper New Features:
  +[4.1.1] JspServlet, Options:
  +        Add new "reloading" flag allowing to disable the JSP reloading checks,
  +        to allow better performance on production servers.
  +[4.1.1] JspServlet:
  +        Refactor the JSP modification checking as a background thread.
  +[4.1.3] Compiler:
  +        Ant 1.5 based compiler.
  +[4.1.4] Compiler:
  +        Extensive code cleanup.
  +[4.1.4] JspC:
  +        Extensive refactoring of JspC.
  +[4.1.4] Options:
  +        Add new "compiler" option, which contains the Ant name of the Java 
  +        compiler to be used. Please refer to the list in the Ant documentation
  +        for more details.
  +[4.1.4] Generator:
  +        Fix the limitation on the number of tags which can be used within a
  +        single page, which was cause by the 64K bytecode limit for a sigle 
  +        method. Now Jasper generates separate methods for tag bodies when lots
  +        of tags are used.
  +[4.1.4] Generator:
  +        Add tag instance reuse for performance improvement.
  +[4.1.4] Generator:
  +        Add tag BodyContent reuse.
  +[4.1.6] TldLocationsCache:
  +        Add TLD caching.
  +[4.1.6] Options:
  +        Add new "enablePooling" flag, which allows disabling tag reuse.
  +[4.1.8] JspCompilationContext:
  +        Use _ instead of $ to generate file and class names for jsp servlets.
  +[4.1.19] Compiler:
  +         Added new "fork" option. This tells Ant to fork the JSP page javac
  +         compile so that it is run in a different JVM from the one Tomcat
  +         is running in. Please refer to the Jasper-HOWTO for more information.
  +Generic Bug Fixes:
  +[4.1.2] Administration Webapp:
  +        Fix problems with limiting the length of the driverClassName field, as
  +        well as set default values, and add missing JNDI name field.
  +[4.1.2] Administration Webapp:
  +        Fix many problems defining a SSL connector through the administration
  +        webapp.
  +[4.1.2] Administration Webapp:
  +        Many cosmetic fixes.
  +[4.1.3] Administration Webapp:
  +        Fix creation of new connectors through the admin webapp.
  +[4.1.6] Administration webapp:
  +        Context resources administration fixes and improvements.
  +[4.1.6] Compression filter:
  +        Fix compliance problems.
  +[4.1.6] Administration Webapp:
  +        Tweak validation code for the context parameters.
  +[4.1.8] Build:
  +        Tomcat is now built with JDK 1.4.
  +[4.1.9] Administration Webapp:
  +        Specify charset in JSP pages.
  +[4.1.11] Administration Webapp:
  +         Fix adding a context with the administration webapp.
  +[4.1.12] Administration Webapp:
  +         Complete support for DefaultContext.
  +[4.1.15] Administration Webapp:
  +         Fix edition and creation of resource links.
  +[4.1.17] Default configuration:
  +         Connector performance tweaks.
  +[4.1.19] Manager and HTML Manager web applications
  +         Fix bugs 5551, 7826, 8969, 13983, 5629, and 13205
  +         Updated documentation and added some minor new features.
  +         See the Manager App HOW-TO and HTML Manager App HOW-TO
  +         documentation for more information.
  +[4.1.19] Administration Webapp:
  +         Add a check for empty validation query before setting it.
  +[4.1.20] Startup scripts:
  +         Fix classloading failures on JDK 1.4 related to commons-logging, 
  +         which were caused by JARs being set as endorsed and added to the
  +         system classloader.
  +[4.1.20] Xerces:
  +         Upgrade to Xerces 2.3.0.
  +[4.1.20] Administration Webapp:
  +         Additional accessibility improvements.
  +[4.1.20] Administration Webapp:
  +         Fix to prevent localhost from being deleted.
  +[4.1.20] Administration Webapp:
  +         Fix the beahavior of valve creation, where atributes weren't saved.
  +Catalina Bug Fixes:
  +[4.1.1] #8611
  +        Summary: Sealed .jar files in WEB-INF/lib always fail to load 
  +                 second class
  +        WebappClassLoader:
  +        The classloader will now generate codebases URL for classes loaded from
  +        JAR file which point to the JAR, intead of using a nested jar: URL.
  +        This change will affect security manager policy files.
  +[4.1.2] ErrorReportValve:
  +        Made it so the valve will only generate status reports for status codes
  +        over 300.
  +[4.1.2] DbcpDataSourceFactory:
  +        maxIdle attribute couldn't be set.
  +[4.1.2] Facades:
  +        Fixed a problem where the facades would still keep a pointer to the 
  +        facaded objects after the end of the processing of the request.
  +[4.1.3] #7578
  +        Summary: Signed jars loses their certificates when in /WEB-INF/lib
  +        WebappClassLoader:
  +        Fix the timing of the call to JarEntry.getCertificates(), so that the
  +        certificates are set correctly.
  +[4.1.3] WebappClassLoader:
  +        Modify the filters to have a matched class be delegated first, instead
  +        of refusing to load it altogether. Also add filters for javax.*, Xerces
  +        and Xalan.
  +[4.1.3] Endpoint:
  +        Add support for a two phase connector initialization in Coyote, so that
  +        Tomcat can be used as nobody on Unix.
  +[4.1.3] Http11Protocol:
  +        i18n.
  +[4.1.3] StandardServerMBean:
  +        Encode special characters when writing configuration file.
  +[4.1.3] ContextConfig:
  +        Fix NPE when the Embedded class is used.
  +[4.1.3] DBCP:
  +        Use the JNDI factory provided by the commons-dbcp project.
  +[4.1.3] StandardHost:
  +        Modify mapping error uri to provide the source uri.
  +[4.1.3] NamingContextListener:
  +        Fix a bug where the listener was registered on all lifecycle events.
  +[4.1.3] #7656
  +        Summary: Webapplications deployed using PUT don't survive 
  +        a tomcat restart
  +        StandardServer:
  +        Move the save to XML functionality out of the JMX code, and make the
  +        ManagerServlet use it after a deploy, so that the deployed application
  +        is persistent.
  +[4.1.3] #9353
  +        Transfer-Encoding: chunked (on Request fails)
  +        ChunkedInputFilter:
  +        In rare cases, the data read could be corrupted.
  +[4.1.3] ManagerServlet:
  +        Handle resources nested in subcontexts.
  +[4.1.3] NamingResources:
  +        Prevent naming resources overriding.
  +[4.1.4] HostConfig:
  +        Do web.xml tracking on all contexts.
  +[4.1.4] NamingResources:
  +        Fix entries removal.
  +[4.1.4] ContextBindings:
  +        JNDI environment is now available to webapp created classloaders, as
  +        long as the webapp classloader is in its parent hierarchy.
  +[4.1.4] ManagerServlet:
  +        Save configuration when undeploying.
  +[4.1.4] #9629
  +        Fix ServletContext.getResourcePaths to match spec
  +        ApplicationContext:
  +        getResourcePaths now returns null for non existing paths.
  +[4.1.4] #9676
  +        org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory doesn't recognize 
  +        keystoreType attribute
  +        Http11Protocol:
  +        Add missing setKeytype method.
  +[4.1.4] #5446
  +        Can't change webapp class loader
  +        WebappLoader:
  +        Use introspection to instantiate the class loader.
  +[4.1.5] #9715
  +        'Out of Memory' error with static html pages
  +        ProxyDirContext:
  +        Use a LRU based cache instead of a simple hashtable.
  +[4.1.4] #9722
  +        java.lang.ClassCastException: 
  +        org.apache.catalina.connector.HttpRequestFacade
  +        ApplicationDispatcher:
  +        The check to unwrap must also handle facades.
  +[4.1.5] #9700
  +        JNDIRealm authentication incorrectly succeeds with blank password
  +        JNDIRealm:
  +        The security exploit has been fixed.
  +[4.1.5] HTMLManagerServlet:
  +        Many improvements and small feature additions.
  +[4.1.5] #8935
  +        Deadlock with reload in manager
  +        StandardWrapper:
  +        The deallocation of a wrapper will not timeout after 500 ms.
  +[4.1.5] #8013
  +        DefaultServlet Throws NumberFormatException
  +        DefaultServlet:
  +        Use getDateHeader instead of instance local date parsers to solve
  +        thread safety issues.
  +[4.1.6] WebappClassLoader:
  +        Fix a rare thread safety issue.
  +[4.1.6] #9944
  +        JAASRealm not configurable
  +        JAASRealm:
  +        Fix configuration of the appName and userClassNames attributes.
  +[4.1.6] StandardSession:
  +        Fix session recycling.
  +[4.1.6] #9318
  +        Summary: HttpSession getMaxInactiveInterval() throws 
  +        IllegalStateException
  +        StandardSession:
  +        Don't throw ISE.
  +[4.1.6] ContextConfig:
  +        Don't remove JNDI resources when stopping a web application.
  +[4.1.6] StandardWrapper:
  +        Capture System.out and System.err during load-on-startup.
  +[4.1.6] ApplicationContext:
  +        Fix major memory leak in the request dispatcher. Also improves 
  +        performance.
  +[4.1.6] ApplicationHttpResponse:
  +        Disallow using setLocale from an included servlet.
  +[4.1.6] StandardContext:
  +        Reset application context when stopping.
  +[4.1.8] BootstrapService:
  +        Prevent NPE when DaemonContext is not well initialised.
  +[4.1.8] StandardServer:
  +        Make sure the global resources are correctly initialized even if there
  +        is no GlobalNamingResources element in server.xml.
  +[4.1.8] MBean-descriptors:
  +        Add PersistentManager MBean info to mbeans-descripor.xml so it doesn't
  +        complain in case if you have PersistentManager.
  +[4.1.8] #10967
  +        Summary: Java Deadlock in WebappClassLoader
  +        WebappClassLoader:
  +        Make ResourceEntry a separate class.
  +[4.1.8] StandardSession:
  +        Set manager to null before recycling.
  +[4.1.9] StandardClassLoader:
  +        Avoid potential security exception by not calling getParent.
  +[4.1.9] #11307
  +        Summary: Deadlock in ClassLoader
  +        WebappClassLoader:
  +        Fix deadlock condition by modifying the synced block.
  +[4.1.9] StandardHostDeployer:
  +        Fire event when undeploying.
  +[4.1.10] AuthenticatorBase:
  +         Remove double URI decoding.
  +[4.1.10] StandardHost:
  +         Refactor log capture.
  +[4.1.10] StandardServer:
  +         Output server.xml in UTF8.
  +[4.1.10] WebappClassLoader:
  +         Fix problem where external repositories would always be ignored.
  +[4.1.10] WebappClassLoader:
  +         Generate properly encoded URLs.
  +[4.1.10] #12041
  +         Summary: CGIServlet can block on input
  +         CGIServlet:
  +         Fix possible deadlock when reading CGI script output.
  +[4.1.10] ErrorDispatcherValve:
  +         Unwrap root cause error.
  +[4.1.10] Documentation:
  +         Fixes and small additons to the DBCP documentation.
  +[4.1.10] StandardContext:
  +         Add new "swallowOutput" flag, to allow configuring logger redirection.
  +[4.1.11] catalina.policy:
  +         Modify the file to reflect the new URLs to be used for codebase
  +         declarations.
  +[4.1.11] StandardContext:
  +         Change the timing of the directory context allocation (now done 
  +         during start which is more consistent with the lifecycle of other
  +         components).
  +[4.1.11] #12041
  +         CGIServlet:
  +         Better fix for bugzilla 12041 running an extra thread to deal 
  +         with STDERR.
  +[4.1.11] CGIServlet:
  +         Fix for CGI scripts run from a POST operation never get any 
  +         posted data.
  +[4.1.11] DefaultServlet:
  +         Assume text file when MIME type is unknown for including purposes.
  +[4.1.11] ManagerServlet:
  +         Allow manager to do operations on the root webapp.
  +[4.1.11] BootstrapService:
  +         Allow parameters to BootstrapService for jni/mod_jk2.
  +[4.1.11] FileDirContext:
  +         Add an option to allow symlinking (allowLinking).
  +[4.1.11] FileDirContext:
  +         Make the case sensitivity check based on the value of the 
  +         "caseSensitive" flag rather than on the path separator. Most Unix OSes
  +         can set that to false.
  +[4.1.12] SSLAuthenticator:
  +         Add back client authentication support.
  +[4.1.12] SECURITY:
  +         Disable InvokerServlet in the default webapp configuration, 
  +         and restrict the servlets it can invoke.
  +[4.1.12] #12286
  +         JDBCStore:
  +         Fix NPE on shutdown.
  +[4.1.13] StandardContext:
  +         Major refactoring of the resources lifecycle handling, which is now 
  +         similar to the one of the other components.
  +[4.1.13] #12985
  +         StandardWrapper:
  +         Fix load on startup bug for JSPs.
  +[4.1.13] StandardWrapper:
  +         Add log swallowing support.
  +[4.1.13] InvokerServlet:
  +         SECURITY: Check the classname of the invoked servlet.
  +[4.1.13] #13513
  +         StandardManager:
  +         Add disabling persistence with a blank String.
  +[4.1.13] Catalina:
  +         SECURITY: Add security manager protection on Coyote components.
  +[4.1.13] ErrorReportValve:
  +         Performance optimization: don't generate a status report for status 
  +         codes < 400.
  +[4.1.13] ProxyDirContext:
  +         Cache non existing resources list to provide a major speedup for 
  +         welcome files processing.
  +[4.1.13] ProxyDirContext:
  +         Avoid object creation when reproting a not found resource.
  +[4.1.13] ProxyDirContext:
  +         Peformance fix: allow directory caching.
  +[4.1.14] Catalina:
  +         Fix security manager package protection configuration.
  +[4.1.14] ContextConfig:
  +         Fix TLD processing.
  +[4.1.15] #13583
  +         ApplicationContext:
  +         Add path normalization.
  +[4.1.15] FileDirContext:
  +         allowLinking will also disable case sensitivity checks (which are
  +         relatively similar).
  +[4.1.15] #13364
  +         StandardDefaultContext:
  +         Properly refresh naming entries defined in the DefaultContext after a
  +         reload.
  +[4.1.16] server.xml
  +         Disable timeout for JK2 connector.
  +[4.1.16] MBeanUtils:
  +         Relax restrictions on valve MBeans creation.
  +[4.1.16] #14781
  +         CGIServlet:
  +         Remove dependency on JDK 1.4.
  +[4.1.16] FileStore:
  +         Check for the existence of the session store file.
  +[4.1.16] SSI:
  +         Conditional SSI enhancement, better emulation of Apache SSI,
  +         fix expression parser's handling of literals.
  +[4.1.17] #15086
  +         StandardWrapper:
  +         Use the swallowOutput flag when unloading.
  +[4.1.17] #15077
  +         StandardWrapper:
  +         Mark servlets as unavailable when the wrapper is stopped.
  +[4.1.17] CGIServlet, SSIServlet:
  +         Fix for SSI "normal" configuration which invokes a CGI script.
  +[4.1.17] #15239
  +         NamingResourcesMBean:
  +         Fix resource link creation.
  +[4.1.18] CoyoteWriter, CoyoteResponse:
  +         SECURITY: Fix writer reuse after an IOException occurred.
  +[4.1.19] #15544
  +         DataSourceRealm:
  +         Fixed the Realm-HOWTO docs for the DataSourceRealm.
  +[4.1.19] #10383
  +         Ajp13:
  +         Fix hanging Ajp13Processor and web server request when invalid 
  +         Cookie sent. An HTTP status code 400 - Bad Request is now returned.
  +[4.1.19] ApplicationFilterConfig:
  +         Wrap filter initialization with swallow output.
  +[4.1.19] #15819
  +         StandardServer:
  +         Don't write out listeners for StandardDefaultContext.
  +[4.1.19] #15762
  +         StandardServer:
  +         Filter special characters in DataSource URL.
  +[4.1.19] #15890
  +         DefaultServlet:
  +         Invalid date headers should be ignored.
  +[4.1.19] ManagerBase:
  +         Add code to guarantee uniqueness of a session ID (even though the
  +         probability that this event occurs is negligible, some people feel
  +         more comfortable with that code enabled).
  +[4.1.19] RequestFilterValve:
  +         Catch null pointer property to match on, deny by default if found.
  +[4.1.19] #15378
  +         ProxyDirContext:
  +         Fix cache invalidation problem when creating subcontexts or modifying
  +         attributes.
  +[4.1.20] #16316
  +         DataSourceRealm:
  +         Removed code which validates the realm can connect to the db from
  +         the realm start in case the JNDI named DataSource has not been
  +         initialized yet.
  +[4.1.20] #16106
  +         StandardServer:
  +         Fix a problem where some valves would be incorrectly written 
  +         to server.xml.
  +[4.1.20] StandardSession:
  +         Don't recycle sessions, as the performance gain is minimal.
  +[4.1.20] CookieTools:
  +         Add spaces after ; in cookies. This avoids problems with IE on Mac.
  +[4.1.20] Manager:
  +         Add missing security mapping for deploy (this bug was introduced 
  +         in 4.1.19).
  +[4.1.20] ManagerBase, StandardSession:
  +         Correct problems related to the persistence of sessions.
  +[4.1.20] ApplicationContext:
  +         Add a workaround to allow retrieving contexts from the root context.
  +Coyote Bug Fixes:
  +[4.1.13] #12998
  +         CoyoteAdapter:
  +         Fix compatibility problem with AJP.
  +[4.1.13] #13162
  +         CoyoteAdapter:
  +         Decode the URI as a URI, not as a query-string.
  +[4.1.13] #13658
  +         CoyoteAdapter:
  +         Arrange to have the SSL attributes in the CoyoteRequest so that they 
  +         show up for getAttributeNames.
  +[4.1.13] CoyoteConnector:
  +         Allow disabling proxyName with an empty string.
  +[4.1.13] CoyoteInputStream:
  +         Implement available().
  +[4.1.13] CoyoteResponse:
  +         Fix sendRedirect URL generation.
  +[4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 Constants:
  +         Increase max HTTP header buffer size to 48K.
  +[4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  +         Performance: Save on B2C for host name handling.
  +[4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  +         Performance: Use bytes comparisons to check the "connection" header
  +         values.
  +[4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 InternalOutputBuffer:
  +         Performance: improve header generation.
  +[4.1.13] #13270
  +         JK2 ChannelSocket:
  +         TCP no delay was not implemented.
  +[4.1.13] JK2 HandlerRequest:
  +         Fix tomcatAuthentication support.
  +[4.1.13] #11657
  +         JK2 JkMain:
  +         Initialize https URLs if only JK connector is used.
  +[4.1.13] Fix broken JSSE/SSL-support and include support for Cert-Auth with
  +         JSSE 1.1.x.
  +[4.1.15] JK2 JkCoyoteHander:
  +         Fix problem where the same buffer was used for output and input.
  +[4.1.15] Tomcat 4 Adapter:
  +         Closing the output stream or writer in the Tomcat 4 adapter will now
  +         finish the response.
  +[4.1.15] HTTP/1.1 InternalOutputBuffer:
  +         Fix possible loop scenarios which could happen if an invalid 0 length
  +         read was made.
  +[4.1.15] Coyote Response:
  +         Improve special header handling to allow protocol handler to enforce
  +         the protocol.
  +[4.1.15] #14281
  +         Tomcat 4 Adapter OutputBuffer:
  +         Properly compute the total size of the content written.
  +[4.1.16] Tomcat 4 Adapter:
  +         Performance: Delayed evaluation of the remote host address.
  +[4.1.16] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  +         Performance: Allow disabling upload timeout.
  +[4.1.16] #14658
  +         Tomcat 4 Adapter CoyoteWriter:
  +         Performance: Full reimplementation of PrintWriter, fixing syncing as
  +         well as performance problems which occurred when a client abruplty
  +         disconnected.
  +[4.1.16] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  +         Performance: Save on GC for commonly used Strings for protocol and
  +         method name.
  +[4.1.16] HTTP/1.1 InternalOutputBuffer:
  +         Fix for an ArrayOutOfBound exception which could occur when 
  +         IOException (usually caused by a client disconnect) was raised
  +         during a commit.
  +[4.1.16] JK2 ChannelSocket:
  +         Handle timeout exceptions.
  +[4.1.16] JK2 ChannelSocket:
  +         Allow disabling channel socket for JNI, as well as binding a specific
  +         adress.
  +[4.1.16] JK2 HandlerRequest:
  +         Fix null getRemoteHost.
  +[4.1.16] JK2 HandlerRequest, JKCoyoteHandler:
  +         Lazy extraction of ssl certs to speed up jk/ajp13 when under SSL.
  +[4.1.17] ActionCode:
  +         Allow ActionCode to be used in a switch.
  +[4.1.17] Response:
  +         Fix Locale initilization to the default locale (en-us).
  +[4.1.17] #15201
  +         Tomcat 4 Adapter:
  +         Fix SSL attributes retrival with JK 2.
  +[4.1.17] Tomcat 4 Adapter CoyoteResponse:
  +         encodeURL does not encode session with empty URL (rfc2396).
  +[4.1.17] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  +         Fix incorrect setting of the socket timeout when the connection is
  +         first established.
  +[4.1.17] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  +         Performance: Optimize soTimeout management when the upload timeout is
  +         disabled.
  +[4.1.17] PoolTcpEndpoint:
  +         Reduce synchornization by not using connection object pooling. Also
  +         minimize the amount of time during which no thread is listening on 
  +         the server socket.
  +[4.1.17] ThreadPool:
  +         Reduce synchronization by using an array of threads instead of 
  +         a Vector.
  +[4.1.17] #15258
  +         JK 2 ChannelSocket:
  +         Bind all addresses by default.
  +[4.1.18] #15456
  +         JK 2 CoyoteHandler:
  +         Fix NPE occurring in SSL mode.
  +[4.1.19] ActionCode:
  +         Fix incorrect number which could cause bad matching.
  +[4.1.19] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor:
  +         Fix case sensitivity matching of some special header values, which 
  +         could prevent HTTP/1.0 keep alive with some clients.
  +[4.1.19] PoolTcpEndpoint:
  +         Fix incorrect handling when an exception occurs during a SSL 
  +         handshake.
  +[4.1.19] PoolTcpEndpoint:
  +         More robust socket restart code for the case where an exception occurs
  +         during an accept.
  +[4.1.19] ThreadPool:
  +         Remove thread from active thread list when it ends.
  +[4.1.20] CoyoteConnector:
  +         Allow setting socket linger.
  +Jasper Bug Fixes:
  +[4.1.1] #8290
  +        Summary: Problem in the code generated by jasper 2
  +        Generator:
  +        This workaround for a JDK bug (BugParade Id: 4414162) introduces 
  +        a massive performance improvement when using pages containing 
  +        lots of tags.
  +[4.1.2] Generator:
  +        Fixes various problems introduced by the patch which removes 
  +        the try/catch tag nesting.
  +[4.1.2] #8994
  +        Summary: JSPs don't recompile
  +        JspServletWrapper:
  +        Fix JSP recompilation when the new "development" flag is set to "true".
  +[4.1.3] #5793
  +        Summary: Variable element in tld with TagExtraInfo class
  +        TagLibraryInfoImpl:
  +        Fix spec compliance problem.
  +[4.1.3] PagaDataImpl:
  +        Fix bug where only one validator could be used on a page.
  +[4.1.3] #8565
  +        Summary: MyEntityResolver doesn't allow including user-defined entities
  +[4.1.3] Generator:
  +        Use an array instead of a collection to simulate the try/catch nesting.
  +[4.1.3] Generator:
  +        Fix spec compliance bug where a tag could define scripting variables in
  +        both the TLD and the TagExtraInfo class.
  +[4.1.5] Generator, PageContextImpl:
  +        Fix tag BodyContent reuse.
  +[4.1.5] Generator:
  +        Code cleanup, removing the need for a state object.
  +[4.1.5] Generator:
  +        Fix bug when specifying a redirect which already included part of a 
  +        quesry string.
  +[4.1.5] Compiler:
  +        Clean up Ant error message generation.
  +[4.1.5] #8926
  +        Summary: Duplicate variable definition in generated Java source, 
  +        related to custom tag scripting variable
  +        Generator:
  +        Fix variable declaration locations.
  +[4.1.6] Compiler:
  +        Further refactoring of the compiler.
  +[4.1.6] #10048
  +        Summary: JSP forward removes ALL response wrappers
  +        PageContextImpl:
  +        Only unwrap Jasper added response wrapper.
  +[4.1.6] #10035
  +        Summary: <jsp:params> in <jsp:plugin> rejected
  +        Parser:
  +        <jsp:params> elements are now allowed.
  +[4.1.6] #9996
  +        Summary: <@%include> breaks when the included page contains non-ascii 
  +        encoding
  +        Validator:
  +        Fix charset handling.
  +[4.1.6] Generator:
  +        Many fixes to nested tags and scripting variables handling.
  +[4.1.6] Generator:
  +        Add synchronization of the scripting variables.
  +[4.1.8] #10896
  +        Summary: Parsing ContentType error
  +        ParserController:
  +        Fix parsing.
  +[4.1.8] #10713
  +        Summary: Backslashes quoting quotes in attributes does not work
  +        Parser:
  +        Fix parsing.
  +[4.1.8] #10711
  +        Summary: Relative filenames with ../ do not work for JSP-includes
  +        JspCompilationContext:
  +        Add back path normalization code.
  +[4.1.8] #10670
  +        Summary: Problem in JSP compilation
  +        Generator:
  +        Fix compilation problem.
  +[4.1.8] #10766
  +        Summary: <%@ page extends %> causes ClassCastException
  +        JspServletWrapper:
  +        Fix regression caused by the included JSP modification tracking.
  +[4.1.9] #11463
  +        Summary: PageContextImpl.removeAttribute do not work correctly without
  +        session object
  +        PageContextImpl:
  +        Add check for the existence of the session.
  +[4.1.9] Validator:
  +        Fix bug in setting the default content-type.
  +[4.1.9] #10949
  +        Summary: Jasper2 compile error with struts logic tag & jsp:include
  +        Generator:
  +        Fix generated response type to HttpServletResponse.
  +[4.1.9] #10629
  +        Summary: include directive fails when referencing Parent Path within 
  +        a WAR
  +        JspCompilationContext:
  +        Canonicalize URIs used for getResource and getResourceAsStream.
  +[4.1.10] #11891
  +         Summary: JspC does not work for webapps
  +         JspC:
  +         Fix -webapp option.
  +[4.1.10] Compiler, Generator:
  +         Added step to determine which scripting variables must be declared.
  +[4.1.10] #11942
  +         Summary: reassignment of variables to pagecontext attributes in body 
  +         loop
  +[4.1.10] #11552
  +         Summary: Iteration tags do not resynchronize scripting variables after
  +         doAfterBody()
  +[4.1.10] #12128
  +         Summary: JSP Comment end symbol not recognized in some cases
  +[4.1.11] Compiler:
  +         Update to work with Jikes with all features.
  +[4.1.11] #12387
  +         Compiler:
  +         Work around limitations of the Ant path tokenization by using files.
  +[4.1.11] Generator:
  +         For the conversion of the value used in includes and others 
  +         to a String, as was done in previous Tomcat releases.
  +[4.1.11] Generator:
  +         Added synchronization of NESTED and AT_BEGIN variables after call to
  +         doStartTag() of tag handlers implementing IterationTag, but not
  +         BodyTag.
  +[4.1.11] #12432
  +         Generator:
  +         Can't compile JSP with nested custom tags that have VariableInfo.
  +[4.1.11] JspServletWrapper:
  +         Fix Jasper when "development" option is set to "false".
  +[4.1.12] JspRuntimeContext:
  +         Add permission to allow reading the work directory.
  +[4.1.13] #13144
  +         Generator:
  +         Ending comment eats up line following.
  +[4.1.13] #13536
  +         Generator:
  +         Bad <jsp:param> value in plugin if the value is an expression.
  +[4.1.13] JspRuntimeContext:
  +         Make sure the CodeSource for JSP pages is created consistently 
  +         the same.
  +[4.1.13] #13206
  +         JspRuntimeLibrary:
  +         Invalid java bean property error message could be reported better.
  +[4.1.13] #13843
  +         JspServlet:
  +         Fix locking on Windows of big JSP files.
  +[4.1.14] Compiler:
  +         Add global synchronization on the javac invocation.
  +[4.1.15] Jspc:
  +         Rename "--compile" option to "-compile" (it was undocumented).
  +[4.1.15] #14195
  +         ErrorDispatcher:
  +         Fix NPE.
  +[4.1.15] #14197
  +         Generator:
  +         Allow jspDestroy to be overriden.
  +[4.1.15] PageContextImpl:
  +         Avoid flushing after processing the page.
  +[4.1.16] #14577
  +         Generator:
  +         Declarations should geneate a '\n' at end.
  +[4.1.16] #14699
  +         Generator:
  +         Scripting variables declared AT_END do not work when tag
  +         implements TryCatchFinally.
  +[4.1.17] Compiler:
  +         Make exception reports more detailed.
  +[4.1.19] #15531
  +         Background Thread Recompile:
  +         Fixed a thread synchronization bug which could cause the thread which
  +         does background JSP recompiles (development=false) to die.
  +[4.1.19] #14200
  +         TldLocationCache:
  +         TLDs under WEB-INF are not scanned for URI mappings.
  +[4.1.19] JspWriterImpl:
  +         Remove custom flushing, which caused client disconnects to log
  +         stack traces with Jasper.
  +[4.1.19] #15105
  +         PageContextImpl:
  +         pushBody()/popBody() error on tomcat 4.1.X.
  +[4.1.20] #15845
  +         Fixed JSP page compiles so that objects created for performing
  +         the JSP page compiles which are not reused are dereferenced so
  +         they are eligible for GC. This should reduce the memory footprint
  +         and improve GC performance.
  +[4.1.20] JspC:
  +         Port fixes to JspC from HEAD, including support for packaged JSPs, and
  +         fixes to webapp precompilation.
  +[4.1.20] Compiler:
  +         Dereference objects used during compilation, in order to allow 
  +         garbage collection.
  +[4.1.20] Compiler:
  +         Fixed a NPE caused by nulling errorDispatcher.
  +[4.1.20] #16181
  +         Generator:
  +         JspWriter not restored properly when exception thrown 
  +         in a tag's body content.
  +[4.1.20] #16200
  +         Generator:
  +         Fix isThreadSafe functionality.
  +[4.1.20] #16449
  +         JspServletWrapper:
  +         Fix race condition in the reloading check by using an object local
  +         boolean.
  +* Tomcat 4.1 and JNI Based Applications
  +* Tomcat 4.1 Standard APIs Available
  +* Tomcat 4.1 and XML Parsers
  +* Web application reloading and static fields in shared libraries
  +* JAVAC leaking memory
  +* Linux and Sun JDK 1.2.x - 1.3.x
  +* Enabling SSI and CGI Support
  +* Security manager URLs
  +* Using Jasper 1 with Tomcat 4.1
  +* Administrartion web application
  +* Symlinking static resources
  +* Enabling invoker servlet
  +Tomcat 4.1 and JNI Based Applications:
  +Applications that require native libraries must ensure that the libraries have
  +been loaded prior to use.  Typically, this is done with a call like:
  +  static {
  +    System.loadLibrary("path-to-library-file");
  +  }
  +in some class.  However, the application must also ensure that the library is
  +not loaded more than once.  If the above code were placed in a class inside
  +the web application (i.e. under /WEB-INF/classes or /WEB-INF/lib), and the
  +application were reloaded, the loadLibrary() call would be attempted a second
  +To avoid this problem, place classes that load native libraries outside of the
  +web application, and ensure that the loadLibrary() call is executed only once
  +during the lifetime of a particular JVM.
  +Tomcat 4.1 Standard APIs Available:
  +A standard installation of Tomcat 4 makes all of the following APIs available
  +for use by web applications (by placing them in "common/lib" or "shared/lib"):
  +* activation.jar (Java Activation Framework)
  +* ant.jar (Apache Ant 1.5)
  +* commons-collections.jar (Commons Collections 2.0)
  +* commons-dbcp.jar (Commons DBCP 1.0)
  +* commons-logging-api.jar (Commons Logging 1.0.1)
  +* commons-pool.jar (Commons Pool 1.0)
  +* jasper-compiler.jar (Jasper 2 Compiler)
  +* jasper-runtime.jar (Jasper 2 Runtime)
  +* jdbc2_0-stdext.jar (JDBC 2.0 Optional Package, javax.sql.*)
  +* jndi.jar (JNDI 1.2 base API classes)
  +* jta.jar (Java Transacation API 1.0.1a)
  +* mail.jar (JavaMail 1.2)
  +* naming-common.jar (JNDI Context implementation)
  +* naming-factory.jar (JNDI object factories)
  +* naming-resources.jar (JNDI DirContext implementations)
  +* servlet.jar (Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 APIs)
  +You can make additional APIs available to all of your web applications by
  +putting unpacked classes into a "classes" directory (not created by default),
  +or by placing them in JAR files in the "lib" directory.
  +Tomcat 4.1 also makes available Xerces 2 to web applications.
  +Tomcat 4.1 and XML Parsers:
  +As described above, Tomcat 4.1 makes an XML parser (and many other standard
  +APIs) available to web applications.  This parser is also used internally
  +to parse web.xml files and the server.xml configuration file.  If you wish,
  +you may replace the "xercesImpl.jar" file in "common/endorsed" with another 
  +XML parser, as long as it is compatible with the JAXP 1.1 APIs.
  +Web application reloading and static fields in shared libraries:
  +Some shared libraries (many are part of the JDK) keep references to objects
  +instantiated by the web application. To avoid class loading related problems
  +(ClassCastExceptions, messages indicating that the classloader 
  +is stopped, ...), the shared libraries state should be reinitialized.
  +Something which could help is to avoid putting classes which would be 
  +referenced by a shared static field in the web application classloader, 
  +and put them in the shared classloader instead (the JARs should be put in the 
  +"lib" folder, and classes should be put in the "classes" folder).
  +JAVAC leaking memory:
  +The Java compiler leaks memory each time a class is compiled. Web applications
  +containing hundreds of JSP files may as a result trigger out of memory errors 
  +once a significant number of pages have been accessed. The memory can only be 
  +freed by stopping Tomcat and then restarting it.
  +The JSP command line compiler (JSPC) can also be used to precompile the JSPs.
  +You can prevent this by setting the JspServlet init parameter fork to true
  +in conf/web.xml. This tells jasper to invoke java compiles of JSP pages
  +as an external process.
  +Linux and Sun JDK 1.2.x - 1.3.x:
  +Virtual machine crashes can be experienced when using certain combinations of
  +kernel / glibc under Linux with Sun Hotspot 1.2 to 1.3. The crashes were 
  +reported to occur mostly on startup. Sun JDK 1.4 does not exhibit the problems,
  +and neither does IBM JDK for Linux.
  +The problems can be fixed by reducing the default stack size. At bash shell, 
  +do "ulimit -s 2048"; use "limit stacksize 2048" for tcsh.
  +GLIBC 2.2 / Linux 2.4 users should also define an environment variable:
  +export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
  +Enabling SSI and CGI Support:
  +Having CGI and SSI available to web applications created security problems when
  +using a security manager (as a malicious web application could use them to 
  +sidestep the security manager access control). In Tomcat 4.1, they have been
  +disabled by default, as our goal is to provide a fully secure default 
  +configuration. However, CGI and SSI remain available.
  +On Windows:
  +* rename the file %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-cgi.renametojar to
  +  %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-cgi.jar.
  +* rename the file %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-ssi.renametojar to
  +  %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-ssi.jar.
  +* in %CATALINA_HOME%\conf\web.xml, uncomment the servlet declarations starting
  +  line 165 and 213, as well as the associated servlet mappings 
  +  line 265 and 274. Alternately, these servlet declarations and mappings can
  +  be added to your web application deployment descriptor.
  +On Unix:
  +* rename the file $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-cgi.renametojar to
  +  $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-cgi.jar.
  +* rename the file $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-ssi.renametojar to
  +  $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-ssi.jar.
  +* in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml, uncomment the servlet declarations starting
  +  line 165 and 213, as well as the associated servlet mappings 
  +  line 265 and 274. Alternately, these servlet declarations and mappings can
  +  be added to your web application deployment descriptor.
  +Security manager URLs:
  +The URLs to be used in the policy file to grant permissions to JARs located
  +inside the web application repositories have changed in Tomcat 4.1.
  +In Tomcat 4.0, codeBase URLs for JARs loaded from web application 
  +repositories were:
  +In Tomcat 4.1, they should be:
  +Using Jasper 1 with Tomcat 4.1:
  +It is possible to use Jasper 1 (included in Tomcat 4.0.x) with Tomcat 4.1, as
  +it has the same API and supports the same JSP API.
  +To use Jasper 1 instead of Jasper 2, copy the two following JARs to
  +$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib (overwriting the two existing JARs):
  +* $TOMCAT40_HOME/lib/jasper-runtime.jar
  +* $TOMCAT40_HOME/lib/jasper-compiler.jar
  +However, users are urged to use the version of Jasper included with Tomcat 4.1
  +(Jasper 2), as it has much higher performance and scalability than Jasper 1.
  +Administrartion web application:
  +The administration web application should currently be considered beta quality
  +code, but is supported as an official component of Tomcat 4.1.
  +A finalized version will be delivered in an upcoming Tomcat 4.1 release.
  +Symlinking static resources:
  +Unix symlinks will not work when used in a web application to link resources 
  +located outside the web application root directory.
  +This behavior is optional, and the "allowLinking" flag may be used to disable
  +the check.
  +Enabling invoker servlet:
  +Starting with Tomcat 4.1.12, the invoker servlet is no longer available by 
  +default in all webapp. Enabling it for all webapps is possible by editing
  +$CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml to uncomment the "/servlet/*" servlet-mapping
  +Using the invoker servlet in a production environment is not recommended and
  +is unsupported.

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