Aditya wrote:

several months ago you had posted a URL to a document (at if I remember correctly) where you talked about
having to restart your production Tomcat(s) every 4 weeks or so due to
Heap exhaustion. Is that still the case? If so what causes the heap

I think that part of the heap problem for me was the recent bug in Jasper which I fixed where a number of resources such as Node trees from a JSP page compile were not dereferenced between compiles. This was fixed in Jasper before the 4.1.20 release.

We've looked high and low, with JProbe etc, and we still can't find
where the "leak" is. We're having to restart a Tomcat (4.1.20) with
-Xms and -Xmx both set to 256M every 4 days or so.

Does the increase in memory usage correlate with an increased number of connectors due to a spike in request volume?

Perhaps you should try increasing the heap size.



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