costin      2003/02/26 11:22:05

  Added:       resources/mbeans tomcat5-ant.xml
  Minimal ant script to get embeded tomcat running.
  The startup time on a 1 GHz machine is 6 seconds ( with no webapp ) :-)
  So far the size is 3 MB - but a lot of stuff can be moved to modules, and
  libraries are almost half of it.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-5/resources/mbeans/tomcat5-ant.xml
  Index: tomcat5-ant.xml
  <project name="tomcat-embed" default="start" basedir=".">
    <property file="${user.home}/"/>
    <property file=""/>
    <property name="tomcat.home" location="." />
    <path id="tomcatCP-extra" /> 
    <target name="init" unless="init.done">
      <path id="tomcatCP" >
        <path refid="tomcatCP-extra"/>
        <!-- Just include everything for now 
        <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/lib" includes="*.jar"/>
      <taskdef resource="org/apache/commons/modeler/ant/"
               classpathref="tomcatCP" />
      <property name="init.done" value="true"/>
    <!-- ==================== Console - for debugging. ==================== 
         Call this target if you want the console added.
    <target name="jmx-console-ri" depends="init" description="Enable JMX-RI console ( 
web interface )" >
      <mbean code="com.sun.jdmk.comm.HtmlAdaptorServer"
      <jmx-attribute objectName="jmx-console:type=HtmlAdaptorServer,port=9998" 
                     attribute="Port" type="int" value="9998"/>
      <jmx-operation objectName="jmx-console:type=HtmlAdaptorServer,port=9998"
                     operation="start" />
    <!-- ======================= Server.xml based ================ -->
    <target name="run" depends="init"
          description="Start tomcat as an mbean using server.xml config and returns">
      <property name="domain" value="Catalina" />
      <modeler code="org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina"
            name="${domain}:type=server" />
      <jmxSet objectName="${domain}:type=server"
      <!-- We could also call init and set other properties - 
           init should load the modules -->
      <jmx objectName="${domain}:type=server"
           operation="start" />
      <echo message="Tomcat5 running"/>
      <!-- let's add a context - using JMX 
      <property name="admin1Name" 
      <modeler code="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext"
             name="${admin1Name}" />
      <jmxSet objectName="${admin1Name}"
              value="${tomcat.home}/server/webapps/admin" />
      <jmx objectName="${admin1Name}"
           operation="init" />
    <!-- ==================== Await ==================== 
         Call this target if you want the build file to hung in "await". Tomcat stop 
or ^C will stop 
         the ant execution
    <target name="await" depends="init"
          description="Wait for tomcat stop. Call this target after run">
      <jmx objectName="Catalina:type=server"
           operation="await" />
    <target name="start" depends="init,run,await" description="Start tomcat, wait for 
stop message"/>

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