
I tried this message on the user list but didn't get any response so would be grateful 
if any of you guys could give any suggestions!

I have managed to run the jsp compiler jspc.bat against a bunch of jsp files. This 
produced a load of java servlet code that I now need to compile with javac - correct?

However when I compile these source files generated from jspc I get the following 

handlePageException(java.lang.Exception) in javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext cannot be 
applied to (java.lang.Throwable)
            if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t);
Has anyone come across this before? Is there anything I can do to solve the problem?

Whilst on the same note:

These jsps where stored in two directories i.e. 


but when I run jspc the out put is in one directory i.e. / - is this correct?

What do I need to do to the web.xml file to deploy these compiled jsp' ?

What happens when a jsp has the following or similar ...

<jsp:include page="/secure/commonDisplay.jsp"/>

the file /secure/commonDisplay.jsp doesn't really exist in that form, now it is a 
class file, and as I said above resides in / do I need to change the <jsp:include /> 
tag on every jsp page or can I add some kind of alias in web.xml to map 
/secure/commonDisplay.jsp to the class file produced in /

Hope this makes sense.

Your help is most appreciated.



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