
Currently using Tomcat 4.1.12/Coyote AJP 13 connector with IIS 5.0 and the
1.2.2 JK2 ISAPI redirector. Have recently upgradeded to Tomcat 4.1.18, and
it appears the call to request.getRemoteUser is no longer functioning
correctly. It is returining a null or empty value, whereas in 4.1.12, it
would return the username IIS authenticated. Is this a known issue when
moving to 4.1.18, or is it simply a misconfiguration of the CoyoteConnector.
I have looked around and havent been able to find any option that may turn
this feature back on. 

I remember in the older AJP connectors (Non Coyote), there was an option
tomcatAuthentication, which had to be set to false. I tried this option on
the CoyoteConnector but it appears to not have any affect.



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