  Does JDBCRealm realm work for DIGEST authentication scheme(I have
passwords stored in cleartext form. JDBCRealm works with BASIC
authenctication scheme though)? I find the corresponding coding partially
implemented. IF it works for for someone, could you please guide me on how
you made it possible.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Uddhav Shirname" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: JDBCRealm getPassword() unimplemented in Tomcat 4.1.18 (returns

> Hi,
>    I have implemeted the methods getPassword() and getPrincipal() in
> JDBCRealm. Digest authentication works for me with these changes. One
> that still doest work is if I have stored the password in encrypted form
> the database. I have doubts if this will always work in the scenario where
> the password has been persisted using say SHA and the web authentication
> utilises MD5. Will the responseDigest send by client and the one generated
> at the server match?
> Following are the chages I have made. I am new to this forum, can somebody
> guide me on how these changes can be committed if approved. Thanks.
>     /**
>      * Return the password associated with the given principal's user
>      */
>     protected String getPassword(String username) {
>         Connection dbConnection = null;
>             String dbCredentials = null;
>         try {
>             // Ensure that we have an open database connection
>             dbConnection = open();
>             // Look up the user's credentials
>             PreparedStatement stmt = credentials(dbConnection, username);
>             ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
>             while (rs.next()) {
>                 dbCredentials = rs.getString(1).trim();
>             }
>             rs.close();
>             if (dbCredentials == null) {
>                 return (null);
>             }
>             // Release the database connection we just used
>             release(dbConnection);
>         } catch (SQLException e) {
>             e.printStackTrace();
>             // Log the problem for posterity
>             log(sm.getString("jdbcRealm.exception"), e);
>             // Close the connection so that it gets reopened next time
>             if (dbConnection != null)
>                 close(dbConnection);
>         }
>         return (dbCredentials);
>        // return (null); // earlier code
>     }
>     /**
>      * Return the Principal associated with the given user name.
>      */
>     protected Principal getPrincipal(String username) {
>         Connection dbConnection = null;
>         GenericPrincipal principal = null;
>         try {
>              String credentials = getPassword(username);
>             // Ensure that we have an open database connection
>             dbConnection = open();
>             // Accumulate the user's roles
>             ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
>             PreparedStatement stmt = roles(dbConnection, username);
>             ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
>             while (rs.next()) {
>                 list.add(rs.getString(1).trim());
>             }
>             rs.close();
>             dbConnection.commit();
>             // Create and return a suitable Principal for this user
>             principal = (new GenericPrincipal(this, username, credentials,
> list));
>             // Release the database connection we just used
>             release(dbConnection);
>         } catch (SQLException e) {
>             e.printStackTrace();
>             // Log the problem for posterity
>             log(sm.getString("jdbcRealm.exception"), e);
>             // Close the connection so that it gets reopened next time
>             if (dbConnection != null)
>                 close(dbConnection);
>         }
>         return (principal);
>        // return (null); // earlier code
>     }
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Uddhav Shirname" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 7:07 PM
> Subject: JDBCRealm getPassword() unimplemented in Tomcat 4.1.18 (returns
> null)
> > Hi,
> >    I am unable to authenticate using digest authentication. I browsed
> > through the code and found that getPassword() method in JDBCRealm
> > null (harcoded). I am using the following configuration. Am I missing
> > something somewhere?
> >   server.xml:
> >   ----------
> >       <Realm
> >          className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"
> >          debug="99"
> >          digest="MD5"
> >          driverName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
> >          connectionURL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@lohgad:1521:dsoft"
> >          connectionName="uddhav"
> >          connectionPassword="uddhav"
> >          userTable="tab_users"
> >          userNameCol="user_name"
> >          userCredCol="user_pass"
> >          userRoleTable="tab_user_roles"
> >          roleNameCol="role_name" />
> >
> >    web.xml:
> >    ---------
> > <login-config>
> >         <auth-method>DIGEST</auth-method>
> >         <realm-name>OnJava Application</realm-name>
> >     </login-config>
> >
> >
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