Remy Maucherat wrote:

>> costin      2003/03/14 14:42:43
>>   Modified:    .        build.xml
>>   Log:
>>   Fix Filip's build.
>>   It seems my "clean" workspace wasn't that clean after all.
>>   This whole thing is unbelievable. I have no idea how we end up with
>>   this mess.
> The build is really complex, so it's normal to run into trouble when you
> refactor it. Plus there are so many dependent components, doing "ant
> build" is not enough to do a clean build ;-)

The purpose of the refactoring was to make it simpler ( or at least

We do have a nice component structure, with only few circular deps ( which
we can someday resolve by moving coyote tomcat5-specific code to catalina ).
The main build file should only call child build files, and we should have
a very consistent layout and features in all components - similar with
jakarta-commons for example.

Each component should support a "dist.dir" ( unlike servlet/jsp api build
files), should support a "build" target that only builds the .jar - and 
should use the same patterns for finding the dependencies ( the other
components ).

> BTW, are there any plans to put back a default for base.path ?
> Otherwise, the build instruction on the website are incorrect.

I don't know why it got removed.  I think using ..../repository is a nice 
idea - and even using "repository" to build each of our component into.

We should consider each component ( coyote, jasper, jk, util, admin, etc )
as a separate piece - as components in jakarta-commons. 

And the main build script should just be a wrapper to build each component
and assemble the distribution(s).

Again - sorry for causing the pain.


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