Hi all

I've been trying unsuccessfully to use the Digest authentication in Tomcat with my 
webapp. I need it because Basic authentication is too weak and I cannot use SSL on the 
client side.

I noticed that the implementation in Tomcat has some problems that I describe below:

1. In org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase it is said that it implements RFC 2069 but 
IMHO it actually implements partially RFC 2617 since it uses the qop option to 
calculate the digests, which first appeared in RFC 2617

2. RFC 2617 clearly says that if qop is not present the request-digest should be 
calculated as in RFC 2069. However in the current implementation it is always 
calculated as RFC 2617, i.e.

String serverDigestValue = md5a1 + ":" + nOnce + ":" + nc + ":"
                                                + cnonce + ":" + qop + ":" + md5a2;

This excludes the possibility of qop being null in which case the serverDigestValue 
should be

String serverDigestValue = md5a1 + ":" + nOnce + ":" + md5a2;

Also the case of qop being auth-int is not taken into account at all

3. Finally, there is a problem when obtaining the values qop and nc. Some browsers 
send qop with quotes, for instance IE, but Mozilla sends them without quotes. Same 
with nc. 

What happens is that in org.apache.catalina.authenticator.DigestAuthenticator the qop 
is calculated always removing the quotes. That makes that in a mozilla's request 
qop=auth becomes qop=ut and the Digest calculation is different. I'm not sure what 
should be the right thing to do since clearly both cases may happen. Should they both 
be supported or should Tomcat be able to analyze the values and accept both? I don't 
know if Tomcat has some policy about being able to accept "bogus" input


Carlos Quiroz

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