Mel Martinez wrote:
In general, I like the idea because there are numerous
projects out there that use specific jars from tomcat
and this would greatly ease access.  There is some
discussion going on elsewhere in the community for
distributing jars with this kind of model.  The idea
is that an application's expressed dependencies on 3rd
party packages can include a URL to the specific jar
(including version specification).   Thus deployment
host platforms can automatically retrieve and resolve
dependencies without the application developer having
to be responsible for unpacking, repackaging a subset
of tomcat (or whatever) and then possibly having to
provide the subset on his/her own server.

The caveats are that I don't know if there is
consensus yet on versioning format, there definitely
are too many competing package dependency schemes and
I'm not sure what the impact of jar refactoring will

Overall, though, I like the idea.

If it's just to be used for build tools, then it's ok (and no need for a proposal, it just needs to get done). The trouble starts if users start thinking they can use that to upgrade to a newer release, just by upgrading one or two JARs (or ever worse, mixing components). Then there's trouble.


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