> Amy Roh wrote:
> > Costin,
> >
> > It doesn't seem like mbeans are created appropriately when logger,
> > and valve are dynamically added after start.  Is the mbean registration
> > code listening to those events?
> It should.
> For valve - I think it works now ( I'll make a commit soon with few more
> fixes ). The registration happens in ContainerBase, when the valve is
> - and unregistration is also in ContainerBase when the vavle is removed.
> >  I see that logger/valve registration is done in
> > ContainerBase.start().  Also, the mbeans are not getting deregistered
> > failed to be removed from admin.  Let me know what your plans are.  :-)
> I moved the valve registration in addValve().

Cool.  I think logger and realm registration should be in setLogger and
setRealm as well so mbeans can get registered correctly.  Also,
deregistration for old mbean should happen when new logger or realm is null.

> I got reload() to work - but right now I'm stuck with some problems in
> stop()/start().
> Reload doesn't deal with modified web.xml - and for some reason
> stop()/start() finds some older mappers, something is not cleaning up.
> stop() does now remove all mbeans that it created.

Awesome.  :-)


> ( by "now" I mean my work version, I have a number of debug statements
> to remove and I'll check in ).
> Costin
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