Here is a small explanation on how I managed to do it myself.
I spent a while looking for detailed documentation with no success.

If you find anything better, please keep me informed :-)


--- Begin Message --- Laurent Blume wrote:
No, it's part of Tomcat, and I think the most relevant sources are those available in the Tomcat source dist, and also as a separate file:

I tried with the complete Tomcat distribution (it looked easier), but couldn't go anywhere (I'm not that used to compiling on Win32, and I didn't have enough time to spend on it).

To answer my own question, since I could take some time to try building that connector, and finally did it, here are some notes I took, that might be of use to someone else...

Feel free to correct me if needed.
If useful, I might improve it and put it online somewhere.
Lines starting with c:> are for the command prompt.

Tomcat 4.1 Connectors
Version: 4.1.24
I used the zip file containing only the connectors code (

MS Visual Studio 98
By default, the connector config file looks for RC.EXE in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin
For me, it was in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin
Rather than modifying the config files, I simply copied the file (it'as already twice in the MSVC dir, so what the heck).
Example in the Windows command prompt
c:> copy "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\rc.exe" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin"

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin must be in the PATH (some DLLs need it)
Example in the Windows command prompt:
c:> PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin

Version: 2.0.46

It must be installed using the "Custom" choice, and "Build headers and libraries" must be selected.

The APACHE2_HOME environment variable must be set to the Apache 2 directory.
Example in the Windows command prompt:
c:> set APACHE2_HOME=C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2

Version: 1.5.3

It must be installed, and the bin/ subdir in the PATH
Example in the Windows command prompt:
c:> PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Apache Group\apache-ant-1.5.3\bin

Version: 1.4.1_02

The JAVA_HOME environment variable should be set
Example in the Windows command prompt:
c:> set JAVA_HOME=c:\j2sdk1.4.1_02

* Unzip the connectors' source file in a convenient directory. %CONNROOT% indicates the base of the extracted directory.

* Adapt the properties file to your needs
c:> cd %CONNROOT%/jk/
c:> notepad

* I only put those two lines in it, since I want to disable debugging and enable code optimization:

* Then, first build, for some dependencies:
c:> ant jkant

* Finally, the connectors (Apache2 and IIS):
c:> cd native2/
c:> ant

* The resulting DLLs will be in:

* Just follow the usual installation to replace old binaries


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