luehe 2003/07/30 17:19:42

Modified: catalina/src/share/org/apache/coyote/tomcat5
CoyoteConnector.java mbeans-descriptors.xml
Added new "sslProtocol" property + minor javadoc edits
The "protocol" property is a little confusing, as it means different
things in different classes:
- In CoyoteConnector, it refers to the Coyote protocol name (i.e.,
HTTP/1.1 or AJP/1.3).
- In Http11Processor and CoyoteServerSocketFactory, it refers to the
SSL protocol variant.
We may want to fix this.

Well, protocol for HTTP and AJP is the accurate name. Protocol for the secure layer is also the right name (note that this parameter is remarkably useless, as everything supports TLS now, and the old SSL2 is supposedly insecure).


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