
My apologies if this has been discussed on the list before. Searching the archive returned a bunch of irrelevant results and I couldn't figure out how to narrow the search down.

I'm trying to compile Tomcat 4.1.27 on a Windows box with JDK 1.4.2. I have all the packages installed and build.properties in jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27-src modified to reflect new package locations (btw, I had no problems at all compiling Tomcat 4.0.6). I've downloaded jakarta-tomcat-jasper and put it into the same directory as the tomcat package. I've also changed build.properties inside jasper2 directory to point back to the tomcat project.

Now, when I'm try to run ant and when the compilation process gets around to jasper2, I get a punch of messages all of which are complaining about the same thing:

package javax.servlet does not exist

I do have jakarta-servletapi-4 and ${servlet.home} in build.properties properly points to it. So why am I getting this error? What am I missing?


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