
I'm having a problem with a certain bean package after I use ant to recompile my app. 
The strage thing is my jsp will work fine after I initially start Tomcat - no problems.

After I re-compile w/ ant, I see in my context logs that the context is reloaded. 
Then, when I request the same jsp, the compile fails saying that it can find a class 
inside my WEB-INF/classes dir.

 [javac] /usr/local/tomcat/temp/situation_search_jsp.java:11: package beans does not 
    [javac] import beans.*;

I know it's there b/c I looked on the disk, plus - if I simply restart Tomcat, 
everything works again!

FYI, I'm running v 4.1.27.

Has anyone seen this problem before?


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