The JDBCStore-howto.html document is in catalina/docs. But I see that manager.xml is NOT up-to-date (does not document the "app" column in JDBCStore). Also, many of the attributes that are listed as required actually have default values. And, shouldn't the example of the created table contain the default column names?

Here is a patch to manager.xml with my corrections. Take it for what it's worth. ;-)


On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 05:13 PM, Glenn Nielsen wrote:

Thanks for the patch Tom.

I don't see where we include this document in our release docs
anymore. The JDBCStore is documented in /webapps/tomcat-docs/config/manager.xml .
And those docs are up to date.

Perhaps this file should be removed from CVS.



Tom Anderson wrote:
I noticed that the JDBCStore-howto.html no longer reflects reality so I updated it. Here's my patch.

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