Good morning... looks like another beautiful day here!
Unfortunately it isn't off to a good start.... somehow your most recent
e-mail got picked up in the lot to be deleted... <sigh>... could you send a
copy of your last one, with a subject of 'rainy Wednesday...' please? I quit
the tomcat-user list ages ago, and after only one day, there were still more
than 80 and so many SPAM, I guess in my 'excitement' I must have pressed
delete once too many times, since of them all, yours was the only one from a
person actually addressed to me, that I did want to read...;-(

Yesterday's outing was tiring but didn't find much of interest... did buy a
film and might finish off the roll with a 'view' from my window, just so
that we are even...

Hope all goes well,
For the minute,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Barker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-5

> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > remm        2003/09/08 02:31:38
> >
> >   Modified:    .
> >   Log:
> >   - New PureTLS version.
> >   - I'll be including PureTLS support in 5.0.11+.
> >
> While I'm +1, this may cause problems since at the moment Tomcat will
> PureTLS by default if it is found (on the grounds that you've had to
> download and install it, so you must want it :).  If PureTLS ships with,
> then there needs to be a big bold instruction in the ssl_howto to select
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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