
sorry, but I don't see which part of our email exchange you found
"very frustrating". As I said, I'm open to suggestions, and if my
patch is deemed useless, I'll revert it. No problem.

I've done some measurements on my Ultra 60. TldConfig already
calculates the tldScanTime for each context, so that's the number I'm
using. Following are the tldScanTime numbers for a sequence of 10
startups with the "standard" contexts:

- w/o optimization (static initializer in TldConfig commented out):

Context name tldScanTime for 10 runs | Average
/manager 417/452/431/438/408/468/434/418/423/450 | 433.90
/admin 1399/1310/1440/1385/1288/1347/1345/1340/1280/1317 |1345.10
/servlets-examples 210/198/206/235/192/182/189/188/166/195 | 196.10
[] 222/222/213/218/222/225/215/204/223/221 | 218.50
/jsp-examples 996/841/854/862/900/855/903/845/856/815 | 872.70
/tomcat-docs 155/176/168/184/175/294/164/185/194/183 | 187.80


- With optimization

Context name tldScanTime for 10 runs | Average
/manager 239/225/242/375/230/241/234/228/237/319 | 257.00
/admin 1225/1192/1242/1171/1320/1251/1248/1270/1253/1219 |1239.10
/servlets-examples 74/69/165/79/92/71/106/96/95/123 | 97.00
[] 129/109/136/186/241/194/111/103/96/142 | 144.70
/jsp-examples 728/736/757/843/812/796/782/753/820/813 | 784.00
/tomcat-docs 77/60/127/191/102/101/61/96/88/85 | 98.80


This may not be significant, but if you increase the number of
contexts and have additional JARs on your classpath of which you know
they don't contain any TLDs, we're talking seconds, not ms.

As I mentioned in my private email to you, it may not always be
practical to rely on the list of "noTldJars" configured in if you bundle Tomcat with your own product. That's
why I added the setProperty method on CatalinaProperties, in order
to be able to override the value in This allows
the list of "noTldJars" to be determined more accurately at
runtime. The code that is embedding Tomcat would call
CatalinaProperties.setProperty() *before* starting Tomcat.

I leave the judgement up to the community.



Remy Maucherat wrote:

luehe 2003/09/24 12:09:29

Modified: catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/startup
Added setProperty method.
For example, this will allow the value for the "noTldJars" property to
be determined and set dynamically.

After a very frustrating private email exchange ...

As I said previously:

-1 for allowing configuration of a TLD exclusion list, because we're not out there to gain .01s on startup time, and a hardcoded list is good enough and will give us 99% of the benfit (which is already dubious IMO, but I don't mind about it overall). Also, (see below), the place where this is configured seems inappropriate.

-1 for allowing dynaminc configuration of CatalinaProperties. is only meant to be able to configure the Bootstrap class of Tomcat, and shouldn't be a place to hack in things we want to hide.

Please consider reverting the relevant patches. I think the best would be to completely remove the TLD exclusion list feature, as adding gratuitous complexity is bad.

Thanks :)


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