
I have a question regarding the status of Bug# 19312 (and 21834)


It was reported against 4.1.24 but is not fixed in 4.1.27 nor is it fixed
in the jakarta-tomcat-4.0 CVS tree. Someone was working on it in April but
nothing has happened.

The suggested patch look fine to me and makes the two log() methods in
the class work the same way - fallback to System.out if no logger can
be found.

Any particular reason for not applying it?

We have seen two serious negative effects caused by the infinite 
recursion in the log method:

- JVM heap increases rapidly to the max value before the thread trying
  to log crashes with OOM or stack overflow. The JVM never releases
  this memory to the OS for some reason.

- When using the -server flag the JVM would sometimes hang when this
  bug was hit and only a 'kill -9' would be able to stop it.


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