I had the same problem using J2EE 1.4 Beta 2 (Tomcat 5). But i blamed it on my 
ISP (they use a router, which apparently does the replacement of HTTP 
headers). Was i right?
I wonder why the URLs like this work: it has to be the case that the browsers 
ignore the domain part of the URL once TCP/IP connection is established. 
Because the URL i was seeing in the HTTP header was MACHINE.isp.etc.com, which 
couldn't even be pinged from outside. So, TCP/IP headers take precedence over 
HTTP headers. Am i right?


Quoting Sridhar R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi there,
> We are facing a problem of Tomcat changing the DNS name (xyz.abc.com) to the
> internal machine name (machine1.Company.com:<port>). This peculiar behaviour
> happens only when we do not give index.jsp at the end of the URL. (i.e.)
> https://xyz.abc.com/context/ - This gets changed to
> https://machine1.company.com:<port>/context/index.jsp. But if we give
> https://xyz.abc.com/context/index.jsp, the referer name remains the same.
> Our environment is Tomcat 4.1.27 with AJP13 connector to iPlanet web server
> over SSL. We found that (from the debug files generated on AJP13 connector)
> the host (and referer) name changes once the authentication is complete.
> Since the domain name changes to the machine name, one more authentication
> popup window comes up. Although, it changes the URL with the machine instead
> of domain, the application works without any issue. But we do not want the
> user to see the machine name with the port in a site with SSL instead of
> given domain name.
> Earlier we had an environment with Tomcat 3.2.4 with AJP13 connector to
> IPlanet. It was working fine in that environment. When we changed it to
> Tomcat 4.1.27, we encountered this peculiar issue. We are not sure, if this
> has some thing to do with Tomcat configuration. We are doubtful, if Tomcat
> 4.1.27 requires a changed setting at the iPlanet web server.
> We spent considerable time by changing the different attributes to connector
> tag in server.xml and we could not derive any solution for this issue. Can
> anyone help us with this issue? Your timely inputs are highly appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Sridhar
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