I am developing a Web based CustomerCare application using Tomcat 3.2. I
have used XML and jsp for displaying the content in IE5, Netscape. I'm
running the tomcat server on WinNT.
I've used java classes(jdk 1.3) to send any request from the browser to our
application server (orbix3.3.4 - iona implementation) and vice versa. That
is when a user asks for any data to retrieve(clicking a button on browser)
the jsp page calls a function in a java class and the java program in turn
calls a corresponding function in orbix server running on SOLARIS. The
Application Server program then fetches the record from DB and sends a
sequence(structure array ) to the java program...the java function then
form a xml string and send it to jsp for displaying it in the browser.
Now we want to simulate a process to test the load of tomcat server. Would
anyone please tell me whether there is any tool available to test a
situation, wherein n number of browsers are opened and the users ask for
records simultaneously. We just want to do a stress testing of tomcat
I'm totally new in this tomcat, web application area...really don't know
much of this jsp, tomcat technology...would appriciate for any kind of


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