The option mx.jrmpPort is used for registering the JRMPAdaptor to the NamingService, by setting the PROVIDER_URL. When the NamingService is regeristered it creates the rmi registry whiCh defaults to 1099.

The code below will show what I mean about setting the port on the rmi registry. The code below is from the class org.apache.jk.common.JkMX.

jrmpServerName = new ObjectName("Naming:name=rmiregistry");
mserver.createMBean("", jrmpServerName, null);

// new line to set the rmi registry port to 1199
server.setAttribute(naming, new Attribute("Port", new Integer("1199")));

mserver.invoke(jrmpServerName, "start", null, null); "Creating " + jrmpServerName );


Bill Barker wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Pfarr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 2:55 PM
Subject: JMX JRMP rmi registry port configuration

When JMX is enabled, in the file, and configured to use the MX4J JRMP interal adapter, a rmi registry is created and bound to the default port of 1099. If there is another application using that port and bind expection is thrown and the adaptor is never enabled.

A configuration option for the rmi registry port would sovle this problem. A setter for port does exist on the object.

The lastest source for org.apache.jk.common.JkMX does not have this feature, and would be the place to incorporate it.

Actually, it does have this feature already. The option you want is: mx.jrmpPort=<port-number>

This is my first post to the mailing list and have been a long time user of Tomcat.


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