Software Platform: Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0, SSL, Tomcat 5.0.

Please help me resolve this issue:
Redirection works for my non-secure websites, but it's not work properly for my secure website.

My website at HTTP:// processes my jsp pages
without any problems.  I created a copy of the this website at and added SSL with 128 bit encryption in IIS 6.0.
HTTP:// processes the jsp successfully, but
HTTPS:// hangs when I select one of the links
from the index.jsp home page.

The index.jsp home page displays successfully, but the browser hangs indifinitely when I select any link on the home page. Please try my secure website to see what I am talking about.

I believe the problem has something to do with Tomcat 5.0. My redirection is working properly through port Connector port 8009, and IIS SSL allows me to access using port 443.

I've also updated the JSSE organizational unit, organization, city, state, name, and password using "changeit" in JRE.

Questions: What am I missing in Tomcat set up that would cause my jsp pages not to process? Why would the index.jsp home page display over the secure channel and the subsequent jsp links not display? Do I need to modify my file for SSL?

**** My file******************************************
#Look at
#for parameter description

info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with multiprocess servers
file=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\temp\jk2.shm

info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

# Map webapps to the Web server uri space

I can tell you this...I ran a test linking index.jsp to an html page in the HTTPS:// website and the link worked. Linking to html pages works fine, but linking to jsp pages causes the explorer browser to hang indefinitely.

Try it... you'll see what I am talking about.

Please help me get over this hurdle.

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