Hi Kurt,
> I've reviewed your patch and have some comments included inline below.

> regcomp and ap_pregcomp are not interchangeable like this. ap_pregcomp
> needs an apr_pool to be passed to it and it returns the regex_t. I
> think (apr_pool_t *)uriEnv->pool->_private is correct here (Henri?,
> Jean-Frederic?).
for that I did the trick with '#define REGEX_POOL'...

> I'm not a fan of undef/def functions like this. If the functions were
> interchangeable, I would have just created a new define like PREGCOMP
> that points to the correct function.
I totally agree, but I wasnt sure what gets here more acceptance. I create a new patch 

> Since Apache2 always comes with pcre whole define section would be
> better like this:

> #ifdef HAS_AP_PCRE
> #include "httpd.h"
> #else
> #ifdef HAS_PCRE
> #include "pcre.h"
> #include "pcreposix.h"
> #endif
> #endif

ok. Thanks for reviewing; I come up soon with a new patch with your suggestions.


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