I have to agree. the decision affects a lot of apache projects. I hope ASF board 
changes the policy slightly and lengths the time for this to take place.
It's good to have Apache equivalents to many of the libraries being used in apache 
projects, but it's going to take time. I may have to create a SF project for the 
monitor plug, write a custom SAX documentHandler to parse the tomcat status, or assist 
the existing jaxb project on apache.
on jmeter-dev we were discussing the possibility of creating a SF project to 
distribute versions that don't need manual downloads, but most likely that might not 
be feasible. I would hate to see jakarta projects fork, just so we can provide 
complete distributions.
peter lin

Remy Maucherat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi,

There are some problems with the next release, with the decision from 
the ASF board to mandate that all ASF releases are to be made of 100% 
ASL 2.0 licensed components (as a side note, I'd like to add that this 
is obviously a terrible decision). This has many consequences and some 
questions marks are left (such as for the JCP provided elements we are 

With Tomcat 5.0.x, the most pressing problem is with JMX, since there 
are no ASL 2.0 licensed implementations available.

The options seem to be:
A) Ship Tomcat 5.0.20 without JMX, and have it display a message with 
instructions on how to install JMX if it's not present (basically, 
everywhere but on JDK 1.5.0).
B) Ship the binaries from non ASF servers (we could setup a project for 
that on Sourceforge). The sources can be shipped from the ASF servers as 
before. It is unclear to me if we can legally call these binaries Apache 
Tomcat or not.

Comments ?


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