Remy Maucherat wrote:

luehe 2004/03/16 11:24:59

Modified: util/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/http/mapper
Fix for Bugzilla 27664 ("Welcome files not found in combination with
Rather than having the JspServlet know about welcome files, the mapper
algorithm has been amended to search for welcome files in URI spaces
that match a url-pattern in a jsp-property-group.
Please review carefully and let me know what you think.

Obviously I hate it.
Since when the mapper must have JSP stuff in it ?

It just shows the specification is broken.

And to think you're likely going to do something even uglier to fix "bug" 27704.
I can't wait ;)

Seriously: the specification needs to be fixed, as I do not plan to integrate these changes in any release.

I thought about something a little bit cleaner to address the "bugs". I think you need to remove the extra servlet mappings for the JSP servlets jsp-property-group. Then add something to the context valve (calling a utility class to do the "mapping" = change the servlet from the default servlet or other to the JSP servlet if it matches a jsp-property-group; the algorithms are very similar to filter mapping). Unfortunately, the request dispatcher will also have to call this utility class :( This adds a significant amount of complexity in the servlet layer ...

I can suggest sensible erratas to the specification if you need them.


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