jfclere     2004/03/22 03:41:32

  Modified:    jk/native2 INSTALL.txt
  Add a little for the configuration and Apache-1.3
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +44 -3     jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2/INSTALL.txt
  Index: INSTALL.txt
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2/INSTALL.txt,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- INSTALL.txt       20 Mar 2004 15:37:43 -0000      1.2
  +++ INSTALL.txt       22 Mar 2004 11:41:32 -0000      1.3
  @@ -3,13 +3,12 @@
     For complete documentation, see
  -  Quick Start - Apache 2
  +*** Quick Start - Apache 2 ***
     In the following example Apache2 is installed in 
     /usr/local/apache2 and the commands are executed in the
     jakarta-tomcat-connectors/native2 directory. 
  -  $ ./buildconf
     $ ./configure --with-apxs2=PREFIX/bin/apxs
     $ make
     $ make install
  @@ -19,8 +18,50 @@
                 might use "/usr/local/apache2" for PREFIX (without the
  +  Add the following to httpd:
  +  LoadModule jk2_module modules/mod_jk2.so
  -  Quick Start - IIS
  +  Follow "Quick Start Apache-2.0 and Apache-1.3" below for the workers2.properties 
  +*** Quick Start Apache-2.0 and Apache-1.3 ***
  +  Create a workers2.properties in conf (where httpd.conf is localised).
  +  Put something like the following in the file:
  +  [channel.socket:localhost:8009]
  +  port=8009
  +  host=
  +  [ajp13:localhost:8009]
  +  channel=channel.socket:localhost:8009
  +  [uri:/examples/*]
  +  worker=ajp13:localhost:8009
  +- Restart Apache.
  +  Use apachectl for example PREFIX/bin/apachectl graceful
  +  Access to http://localhost/examples/ should bring a Tomcat index page. 
  +*** Quick Start - Apache 1.3 ***
  +  Download apr and apr-util
  +  wget http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/apr-0.9.4.tar.gz
  +  wget http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/apr-util-0.9.4.tar.gz
  +  Extract the apr and apr-util sources:
  +  gtar xvf apr-0.9.4.tar.gz
  +  gtar xvf apr-util-0.9.4.tar.gz
  +  Build and install mod_jk2:
  +  $ ./configure --with-apxs=PREFIX/bin/apxs --with-apr=./apr-0.9.4 
  +  $ make
  +  $ make install
  +  Add the following to httpd.conf:
  +  LoadModule jk2_module libexec/mod_jk2.so
  +  AddModule mod_jk2.c 
  +  Follow "Quick Start Apache-2.0 and Apache-1.3" above for the workers2.properties 
  +***  Quick Start - IIS ***
     Use the provided install4iss.js script file.
     Put the isapi_redirector2.dll and install4iis.js to the path

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