Walter Truitt wrote:
For various reasons, I wanted to compile the webapp module.  I had
been using it with previous versions of apache.  I needed to upgrade
and found I had problems compiling various combinations of the apr and
webapp directories.

The webapp module is depricated, try using mod_jk2.

Since the webpage suggested checking the code out from CVS, I went ahead and did that. It seems that those sources may build, but don't run. Attached are some patches I have put together to be checked into CVS by one of the developers of the jakarta-tomcat-connectors.

Patched files include:

-1 : Don't patch apr but add a wa_sockaddr_port_get() in lib/pr_warp_network.c for example or patch the code where apr_sockaddr_port_get() is used.

In the two files from webapp, I changed the function names to match the names of the functions in the libapr-1.a library (apr_socket_recv, apr_socket_send, apr_socket_create, apr_socket_connect, and apr_socket_shutdown). In the apr file, I added a function that had previously been in the file sa_common.c (which no longer exists), apr_socket_port_get. This was a function that simply sets an integer to the port number of the socket.

I would like to have these checked in so that at whatever point in the
future I go through this again, that the sources will run without

Also, I would recommend that whoever is in charge of the web pages,
update the webapp page to mention that you must specify the ServerName
directive in the httpd.conf file.

For informational purposes, I am running the apache 1.3.29 version
with tomcat 4.1.30 and CVS webapp and apr with these patches
successfully on a Redhat Linux 7.3 system.



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