Hello Matthew,

We have just added new code to log4j in order to provide a complete
solution to the problem you are describing.

It has several advantages over ContextClassLoaderSelector you
mentioned. For more details, see




More comments below.

>I'm using log4j to log application code for several websites,
>each of which has at least one WebApp, and some of which have
>more than one.  I'm configuring log4j with an initialization
>servlet (that also does a few other things) from a properties
>file using .configureAndWatch(java.io.File).  I'd like to allow
>each webapp to have its own log4j configuration.  The typical
>configuration I am using logs to the console with the site name
>and webapp name prepended, logs a similar format to a
>RollingFileAppender with the file name determined by the site
>name, and a SMTPAppender for error notification.
>All of these are working fine, with one small exception...
>the configuration of the last properties file loaded is used for
>all debug output.  For example, I am expecting to see:
>[www.domainname.com] log message
>[www.someothername.com] some other log message
>[www.athirddomain.com] yet another log message
>Instead, I'm seeing:
>[www.domainname.com] log message
>[www.domainname.com] some other log message
>[www.domainname.com] yet another log message
>I am using a large amount of common code across these webapps,
>so I can't just separate configurations by class name.
>Presently, I'm putting the log4j.jar file in the WEB-INF/lib for
>each webapp, and the properties file is in WEB-INF/properties
>(eg, not one of the standard log4j locations).  I'm using
>log4j-1.2.8; I've seen this problem on both Tomcat 4.1.24 and
>I found that when I put the log4j.properties file in
>WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties it didn't seem to be found at
>all, which is why I moved to this method.  I suspect that if the
>log4j code had already initialized itself from somewhere
>(perhaps for tomcat internal use?) it wouldn't need to look in
>specific webapp classpaths and thus wouldn't pick up the
>A bit of googling ran across the class below, which fixes the
>problem, except that you have to initialize log4j with that
>class, and you can only do so once; subsequent initializations
>(eg, with the same initializer servlet in multiple webapps)
>either throw ugly errors or could be easily overwritten by any
>webapp that disagreed with the idea and wanted to do something
>Since I had already written a Valve for something else and had
>sample code handy, I wrote a Valve to initialize log4j with a
>similar policy.  This works and has solved my problem, but leaves
>me with three questions:
>1) Is this the way it's supposed to work?  (If so, someone should
>fix the log4j documentation).

What part of log4j documentation should be fixed?

It is not clear to me what you mean by "is the way it's supposed to work?". However, the fact that class loading issues are problematic has been known for quite a while.

>2) If it's supposed to work this way, then it seems to me that
>setting the log4j policy to use separate heirarchies by classpath
>should be the default policy.  I can't think of any reason why
>one webapp's logging configuration should be able to alter any
>other webapp's logging.  Am I wrong?

Having separate hierarchies for each web-app is certainly a reasonable policy. However, we are still testing the various implementation of this policy and cannot make it "default" before through testing.

>3) If I'm right about 2, is there a better way to do it than a
>valve?  Using a valve means I can drop the addition into an
>existing configuration, but it seems exceedingly awkward to run
>all requests through an extra layer just to get a class loaded
>and initialized once-and-only-once with no webapp dependencies.
>Is there a better construct for this sort of thing?

What does the valve do? I'd be interested to study in the code.

>4) If there's interest I'd gladly contribute the valve to the
>apache codebase so others can just modify their server.xml rather
>than writing code; is there any interest in doing that?

Please do. We should perhaps continue this discussion in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Matthew Hunter ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Public Key: http://matthew.infodancer.org/public_key.txt
>Homepage: http://matthew.infodancer.org/index.jsp
>Politics: http://www.triggerfinger.org/index.jsp

-- Ceki Gülcü

For log4j documentation consider "The complete log4j manual"
ISBN: 2970036908 http://www.qos.ch/shop/products/clm_t.jsp

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