remm        2004/05/01 09:22:16

  Modified:    webapps/docs changelog.xml
  - Changelog update for 5.0.23.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.40      +285 -0    jakarta-tomcat-catalina/webapps/docs/changelog.xml
  Index: changelog.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-catalina/webapps/docs/changelog.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.39
  retrieving revision 1.40
  diff -u -r1.39 -r1.40
  --- changelog.xml     7 Apr 2004 19:19:51 -0000       1.39
  +++ changelog.xml     1 May 2004 16:22:16 -0000       1.40
  @@ -13,6 +13,291 @@
  +<section name="Tomcat 5.0.23 (remm)">
  +  <subsection name="General">
  +    <changelog>
  +      <update>
  +      New procrun binaries (mturk)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      Fix the problems with paths having spaces in service.bat (mturk)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28333</bug>: Add a message about cvs login in the case where 
  +      checkout fails in the Ant netbuild (remm)
  +      </fix>
  +    </changelog>
  +  </subsection>
  +  <subsection name="Catalina">
  +    <changelog>
  +      <fix>
  +      When the webapp specific JspServlet inherits the mappings from the
  +      global JspServlet, we need to wipe out the wrapper corresponding to
  +      the global JspServlet from the mapper (luehe)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      If there's a non fatal exception (with validation), no exception will be
  +      rethrown by the digester. This will make the webapp startup fail if
  +      the XML is invalid and XML validation is enabled, even if the error
  +      isn't fatal (= the webapp would run without errors if validation was
  +      disabled) (remm)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28262</bug>: Fix redeployment after removal of a war, submitted by
  +      Peter Rossbach (remm)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28107</bug>: Simplify Ant tasks declarations, submitted 
  +      by Matt Raible (remm)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      Remove the hadcoding of the extension validator (remm)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>13924</bug>: The spec states if an error page declaration doesn't
  +      match the original exception and the exception is an instance 
  +      of ServletException then the exception should be unwrapped
  +      and a second pass made of the error page declarations (markt, luehe)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      <bug>28272</bug>: Deploy manager command should use context.xml
  +      from war file (luehe)
  +      </update>
  +      <update>
  +      Added support for exception chaining if JDK 1.4 is present (luehe)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      Optimization: delay parsing of the cookies (remm)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>19521</bug>: Add warning to RequestDumperValve docs to make users
  +      aware of possible side effects (markt)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tomcat/util/compat/JdkCompat
  +      during startup on some systems (luehe)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      Avoid NPE if there are no extensions, and validating extensions is
  +      attempted (remm)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>19545</bug>: CGI issues with CONTENT_LENGTH (markt)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      Expose more of the session management methods at the top-level Manager 
  +      interface (luehe)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>18141</bug>: Support parameters with multiple values in CGI servlet
  +      (markt)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>9851</bug>: Digest authentication failed with Mozilla and other 
  +      issues re RFC2617 (markt)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      Always introspect for protocol hadlers, so that the attributes 
  +      are meaningful (remm)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      Remove static reference in the memory protocol handler, since the JMX
  +      registration is functional (remm)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      Stop the manager earlier, so that listeners are still present (remm)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      Allow extending SSO functionality, submitted by Brian Stansberry (remm)
  +      </update>
  +    </changelog>
  +  </subsection>
  +  <subsection name="Coyote">
  +    <changelog>
  +      <fix>
  +      Set the RMI port to the one provided in parameter in JK (hgomez)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      Small memory usage optimization in the adapter (remm)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      Treat the IS, OS, reader and writer as facades, which will be cleared
  +      after each request if the security manager is enabled (remm)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>19254</bug>: Provide a basic implementation for the clean-native 
  +      target, submitted by marcs (markt)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      Test and related updates for the in memory protocol handler, allowing
  +      to specify the URI as a String, or (better) a char array (remm)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28674</bug>: Make duplicate more friendly to a subsequent
  +      reallocation (remm)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      Fix URI normalization where the URI is "/." (remm)
  +      </fix>
  +    </changelog>
  +  </subsection>
  +  <subsection name="Jasper">
  +    <changelog>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28244</bug>: XML Comment between jsp:attribute causes attributes 
  +      after the comment to be ignored (kinman)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>19049</bug>: Clarify error message when nesting exceptions,
  +      submitted by Joseph Shraibman (markt)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28361</bug>: foreach no longer works in tag file (luehe)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      Added support for exception chaining if JDK 1.4 is present (luehe)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      Moved check for JSP resource existence into synchronized block 
  +      (if JspServletWrapper==null), to avoid having multiple threads check 
  +      for it simultaneously (luehe)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      Added number of JSPs that have been *re*loaded to set of monitorable 
  +      attributes (luehe)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      Fix a bug where a custom tag with tagdependent body type is not
  +      handled correctly in XML syntax (kinman)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28380</bug>: Javac error with ':' and '.' in attribute names 
  +      (kinman)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      When in deployment (ie., !development) mode, save any compilation 
  +      exceptions and rethrow them (instead of recompiling and getting the 
  +      same exception over and over again) until the next scheduled 
  +      recompilation (luehe)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      Close URLConnection's InputStream after getting lastModified date,  
  +      submitted by martin (luehe)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28147</bug>: Remove canonicalization, which is not very useful 
  +      here, and can cause trouble with symlinks, submitted by Rick Wong (remm)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28603</bug>: JspC Ant task does not detect errors on a second 
  +      compile (luehe)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28604</bug>: JspC should not display the whole stack trace of errors
  +      (luehe)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      Fixed another incidence where URLConnection was not closed when 
  +      checking for lastModified date of included resources (luehe)
  +      </fix>
  +    </changelog>
  +  </subsection>
  +  <subsection name="Cluster">
  +    <changelog>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28161</bug>: The "smart" queue will now use the session message 
  +      getUniqueId instead of sessionId, this makes sure that no messages are 
  +      overridden when the queue fills up (fhanik)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      The async replication thread will now properly exit when members join 
  +      or leave the cluster (fhanik)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      Make sure to close the channel upon server stop (fhanik)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix> 
  +      Membership alive time gets updated with each new broad cast, this will 
  +      keep the membership updated with the exact lifetime of each node, the
  +      cluster sorts its members by desc alive time, and change the started 
  +      flag to be set earlier in the DeltaManager (fhanik)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      Added all the interestOps to the synchronized blocks to guarantee 
  +      non blocking behaviour at all times, submitted by Rainer Jung (fhanik)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      Added in the ability to run the DeltaManager/DeltaSession without 
  +      a container, so that a different clustering plug in can be used 
  +      to backup sessions in a primary/secondary store (fhanik)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      Setting the interface on the multicast service if there is a bind address
  +      (fhanik)
  +      </fix>
  +    </changelog>
  +  </subsection>
  +  <subsection name="Webapps">
  +    <changelog>
  +      <fix>
  +      Add missing keys - connector.useBodyEncodingForURI allowTrace (amyroh)
  +      </fix>
  +      <update>
  +      Add DataSourceRealm support in admin webapp (amyroh)
  +      </update>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>20786</bug>: Manger webapp session output not formatted correctly
  +      for session inactive for less than 10 minutes (markt)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      <bug>28524</bug>: Exception throw when creating new JNDI data source
  +      (amyroh)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      Display GlobalNamingResource config if web.xml has resource-ref 
  +      definition without Context Resource config (amyroh)
  +      </fix>
  +      <fix>
  +      Change to list any additionally JNDI data-sources that are present
  +      in the web.xml file, but not defined either globally or at the context
  +      level, on the context level maintenance page to make it possible 
  +      to click on the data-source and edit it (amyroh)
  +      </fix>
  +    </changelog>
  +  </subsection>
   <section name="Tomcat 5.0.22 (remm)">
     <subsection name="General">

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