Hello Bill and Remy

your log4j example at new doumentation works fine. Thanx!
My fault I use the Logger tag instead the category one.

But that we can't change the Logger config at server.xml is not nice.
The only chance is, declare a Lifecycle Listner or used the Log4J MBean


Bill Barker schrieb:

About logging:
- it is a mistake (nowadays) to define custom loggers in applications
(JBoss doesn't, and yet it's far more complex); of course, an equally
big mistake is to provide "logging" services in the Servlet API ;)

This is only a dream. In a hosting enviroment every customer will
logging different. We offer own logfiles with the <Logger> configuartion
in the context.xml.
This were broken, if your changes are kept.

My greatest problem is the administration of the log4j configuration.
Where - or better - how can I do this automatically. This question you
don't answer? Is there a discussion done about this problem?

Well, the discussion of administering the log4j configuration belongs on [EMAIL PROTECTED] However, I'm sure that the Tomcat 5.5 docs will likely have examples (and, yes, patches are always welcome :). Either that, or Ceki is going to be selling a lot of copies of his book ;-).

Your logger solution is maybe is well solution for a development or
company-intern-used tomcat installation but the UseCase "Webhosting"
have been ignored. If I must administrate every customer logger manually
this is very counterproductively.

Actually, with the JMX support in log4j, I would guess that Remy's changes will make life much easier for the Webhosting crowd. If there is interest (meaning patches :), then the admin webapp could even be extended to help with the configuration.

- the big problem which I want to solve here is that logs are going to
different places, which is wrong; now, all logs should go to
commons-logging (or directly to the actual logger that commons-logging
is wrapping)

What do you mean with "different places". If you man different places
the logs will be saved than can I say this is a normal behaviour. In
Germany there is a admin tool called "Confixx". This tool saves the logs
in the home directory of the user. Than the user can view and load his
logs with a normal ftp-client.

Best regards

-- Thorsten Kamann Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 40746578 Yahoo: ThorQue

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