Hey Remy,

OK, I am do my best that the save factory implementation work at weekend.

s. comments...


Remy Maucherat schrieb:

Peter Rossbach wrote:


I have start a Server saved implementation.

- Externalize configuration saving out of StandardServer


*   splitt implementation from StandardServer class
*   refactor the current save methods to some helper classes
*   every save element from server.xml dialect has it own save factory
*   central Mbean that have a registry for save factories
*   save complete Server,Engine,Host or Context xml's
*   support cluster elements
*   implement with testcases

* configure the save factories from xml or properties files.
* better backup handling / not only for server.xml, also for context.xmls :-)

I hope the first implementation is ready at this weekend.

Sure, show me the code.

see some comments directly at the 5.next topics.

Remy Maucherat schrieb:

My upcoming change list:
- Attempt to redo a bit the deployer:
* remove the CL code which is there to avoid JAR locking (or at least
allow disabling this feature for non-Windows OSes); when enabling anti locking
code, move everything to a temp "deploy" folder where everything will be
referenced from; controlled by a "development" flag on the Context to allow
disabling this on Windows

Good option.

I'm so tired of Windows right now ...

But few of the developers wan't work at linux  :-\  ...

- Externalize configuration saving out of StandardServer

I can do that.

I was planning to do it in 5 minutes (take the current code, put it in separate class, )

Ohh, that was also my first step, but after a deeper look: I made a bigger redesign step to
support also cluster and I hope more modules in the future.

- BASIC auth optimization
- clutering module refactoring, to extend the regular Catalina objects, for
easier future maintenance

I have a talk with Rainer Jung, and his changes to cluster implementation looks very good.

Ah ok. Filip was planning (to be forced through any means necessary) to do that, so ask him.

- Possibly require JDK 1.5 (cleaner code, annotations, integrated JMX and JMX
remote, etc)

I have made prototype for mx4J JSR 160 support it looks very nice.
Can't we refactor the ServerLifecycleListener also?

No, that listener needs to go IMO. This listener is useless in the end (for this branch): this is done at the VM level much more cleanly, and the VM also provides tons of runtime statistics that nobody will want to live without. I'll rethink my position if J2SE 5 (I'm learning ;) ) turns out bad somehow, but I don't think the core VM is a big rewrite, so I expect it to be stable. I'll start using it soon for my builds and testing, and I'll see how it goes.

OK, I thing also that a VM-JMX support are a better way.

- And the ongoing: allow all config/management/embedding through JMX; note: I think this is almost there already (thanks Costin), so only a little tweaking will likely be needed




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