
All (except Costin) developers has to say something, so my conclusion is
that we are not dead after all ;)

Seems that the major obstacle is the configuration, so I propose that we
forget that for a while, and make a
'generalized' environment that will sattisfy all the 'needs'.
That environment could be called APR_JAVA and it will be resposible for
os->java communication, having AJPXX, and 'JNI' as one of the possible
protocol stacks.
It will have a generic mapping mechanism (pcre enabled) for registering URI
mapings, setting communication properties, so that one could make a suport
from any container (webserver).
It will abstract the container<->java communication to the level of
'directory and file' so that one can open a connection to TC like opening a
file, or simply speaking a 'Virtual File System', so that one can either
'mount' a volume like '/servlets' or a file filter like '*.jsp'

Of course all that sounds like JK3, but ...


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