Hello Remy,

Yeah, good idea. I also thing it is a spezial context.xml parsing, but it is tricky at start/stop handling and
removed the defaults correct. For saving a Context the current DefaultContext situation is more tricky.
The NamingContextListener have a very spezial handling and I see that LocalEjb are not well implement.


Remy Maucherat schrieb:

Remy Maucherat wrote:


PS: DefaultContext handling is very complicated. I hope we start a talk about
cleaner and better support for 5.next release.

I've been thinking about that for weeks, but I haven't found anything really simpler yet. Some solutions I've thought about include JMX tricks or adding code to the container. Still working on it.

Thinking about it more, it seems very simple actually, if it's done the same as for the default web.xml (with a separate "default" context.xml associated with the host). This is doable since I'll move the context.xml processing as part of the deployer refactoring, and will end up with something a lot more consistent (which will be well tested, since it'll use the same code as for the context.xml processing).


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