Graham Leggett wrote:

Costin Manolache wrote:

But I still think we should start with using mod_proxy with http protocol, and add the missing load balancing and extra info - if we are not happy with the performance and we need a small boost, we could also add ajp.

I think this is a good idea.

Solve the general load balancer case first, then you will soon see whether HTTP works for everybody, or whether there is still a need for AJP. If there is a need, then someone will develop the AJP part of the module, but as the AJP module need not cocern itself with load balancing (that function being handled for it) it will be a far simpler module all round.

Well we have a stable jk 1.2.6 to be released by the end of the week.

So next step should be to add LB functionalities (with sticky
JSSESSION support) in mod_proxy => Graham ?

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