why are we so focused on dynamic this dynamic that, there is nothing about
mod_proxy that is dynamic, and instead of delaying the stability and release
of a working mod_proxy with a load balancer, make it work, make it work
well, then add fancy features. mod_jk2 became way to cluttered this exact
way, and never got to the point of workability to the point where any user
could configure it

just my $0.02

-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Costin Manolache
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Dynamic updates and Apache v2.0

First, by "dynamic updates" I mean changes to apache2 config that don't
require a restart. For example, .htaccess files provide such a thing (
for a different area ).

What updates ? There are several forms:

- add a new worker to a pool ( for example - expect big load, you buy
more hardware, etc ).

- gracefully remove a worker ( for upgrade for example ) - the
implication is that sticky sessions will still go, no new sessions.

- change parameters of a worker ( like balancing factors ). That may
include advanced balancing.

Note that for all this you don't actually need too much change on
apache/mod_proxy - as long as you treat the "pool" as one entity, and
maybe use a separate config file for the list of workers ( so you don't
have to regenerate httpd.conf - which is quite difficult ). There are
many ways to implement the communication between httpd processes and
between apache and tomcat.

- add more webapps and virtual servers - for example in the case of an ISP.

- reload webapps - that means some mappings and auth changes, in the
case of tight integration you may want to have apache handle auth and


Graham Leggett wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am starting a new thread for this, as it seems to be an important
> killer-app feature for any httpd v2.0 integration.
> People have said the config should be dynamically configurable - which
> part of the config should be dynamically configurable?
> In other words, would any of these senarios make sense:
> - A potential pool of servers (IP address/port combinations) is defined,
> and httpd gracefully handles the case where a server is "missing".
> Adding a new server is as simple as starting it up on one of the
> predefined ip/ports combinations. An admin might configure an entire
> subnet as "tomcat servers", and then add and remove backend servers at
> will. Easy to do, but a bit limiting.
> - httpd is informed via a special URL of updates to the servers on the
> backend, a bit like the management app in tomcat. This functionality
> might grow to being available to the whole httpd config. Being a URL, it
> would be pretected by standard mechanisms like SSL and basic
> authentication. Powerful, but a big change that will likely only appear
> in httpd v2.1 or v2.2.
> - httpd polls the backend servers using the OPTIONS method (as was
> recommended recently). In the info returned, httpd learns of the
> intended weighting of the servers, whether a server needs to be removed
> gracefully from the pool, or whether other servers have been added to
> the pool and should be included in the config. Here httpd needs only to
> be told about just one backend server, which will "seed" httpd with info
> about all the other servers.
> Out of the above three the third option seems to make the most sense.
> It's not very obtrusive, it can be used with backends other than tomcat.
> Actually updating the server list and weightings can be done via the
> tomcat management app, which already exists now (as opposed to a
> theoritical management app for httpd).
> Thoughts?
> Regards,
> Graham
> --

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