I have been playing with trying to server side include a URL that is in a
context handled by the ISAPI redirector. This is on Windows Server 2003 with
isapi_redirector2.dll version 2.0.4. The chain is something like this:

URL /calendar/OutputCurrentWeek.html is in a context handled by the ISAPI
Filter. Directly invoking this URL produces output.

Attempting to invoke the URL via SSI as shown below fails:

<!-- #include virtual="/calendar/OutputCurrentWeek.html?calendar_id=2" -->

I'm pretty sure that what is happening is the SSI handler is not passing the
request through the ISAPI filter chain.

I also tried something like:

<!-- #exec
r_id=2" -->
<!-- #exec
r_id=2" -->

The last two trys generated 500 errors.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can do a server side include to a
context URL?

As a fallback, I can use some code to invoke the URL using a
Microsoft.XMLHTTP control, and retrieving the body text.

Any ideas are appreciated.

George Sexton
MH Software, Inc.
Voice: 303 438 9585

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