Bill Barker wrote:

Are endorsed jars getting loaded somewhere else other than Bootstrap?

Using the default startup scripts, they are loaded into the System CL


only way a delegating CL can find them :).

You mean -Djava.endorsed.dirs in catalina scripts, correct?


BTW, why do they need to be loaded into the System CL in the scripts on


of commonLoader in Bootstrap using common.loader property in

CLFactory sets delegate=true on the StandardCL instances, so they are
delegating loaders (This is in 5.0.x; in 5.5 StandardCL is pretty much just
a URLCL, which delegates).  As a result, they will always find the xml
classes in the System CL (for JVM >= 1.4).  Thus if you want to change your
xml classes from the JVM default, that's where you have to have them.  It
doesn't really matter if they are in the common.loader property or not
(except, of course, for JVM < 1.4 :).

To make things a bit more interesting, I believe there are some checks in JDK1.4 to prevent you to override rt.jar classes. That's what "endorsed" really does, allow you to bypass those checks.

I don't think we managed to get xerces and jaxp to load from a classloader even with delegation disabled.


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