mturk       2004/11/18 10:28:54

  Added:       jk/xdocs/config apache.xml iis.xml project.xml workers.xml
  Add new configuration documents
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/config/apache.xml
  Index: apache.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document [
    <!ENTITY project SYSTEM "project.xml">
  <document url="apache.html">
          <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Mladen Turk</author>
          <title>Configuring Apache</title>

  <section name="Configuration Directives">
  Here are the all directives supported by Apache:
  <attributes name="Directive">
  <attribute name="JkWorkersFile" required="false"><p>
  The name of a worker file for the Jakarta servlet containers
  <attribute name="JkWorkerProperty" required="false"><p>
  Enables setting inside Apache configuration file.
  This directive is available in jk1.2.7 version and later.
  <attribute name="JkLogFile" required="false"><p>
  Full or server relative path to the Jakarta Tomcat Connector module log file
  <attribute name="JkAutoMount" required="false"><p>
  Automatic mount points to a Tomcat worker
  <attribute name="JkMount" required="false"><p>
  A mount point from a context to a Tomcat worker
  <attribute name="JkMountCopy" required="false"><p>
  Should the base server mounts be copied to the virtual server.
  <attribute name="JkLogFile" required="false"><p>
  Full or server relative path to the Jakarta Tomcat module log file
  <attribute name="JkLogLevel" required="false"><p>
  The Jakarta Tomcat module log level, can be debug, info, warn
  error or trace
  <attribute name="JkLogStampFormat" required="false"><p>
  The Jakarta Tomcat Connector module <b>date</b> log format, follow strftime 
  <attribute name="JkRequestLogFormat" required="false"><p>
  Request log format string. See datailed description below.
  <attribute name="JkAutoAlias" required="false"><p>
  Automatically Alias webapp context directories into the Apache
  document space. 
  <attribute name="JkHTTPSIndicator" required="false"><p>
  Name of the Apache environment that contains SSL indication
  <attribute name="JkCERTSIndicator" required="false"><p>
  Name of the Apache environment that contains SSL client certificates
  <attribute name="JkCIPHERIndicator" required="false"><p>
  Name of the Apache environment that contains SSL client cipher
  <attribute name="JkSESSIONIndicator" required="false"><p>
  Name of the Apache environment that contains SSL session
  <attribute name="JkKEYSIZEIndicator" required="false"><p>
  Name of the Apache environment that contains SSL key size in use
  <attribute name="JkExtractSSL" required="false"><p>
  Turns on SSL processing and information gathering by mod_jk
  <attribute name="JkOptions" required="false"><p>
  Set one of more options to configure the mod_jk module. See below for
  deatails about this directive
  <attribute name="JkEnvVar" required="false"><p>
  Adds a name of environment variable that should be sent to servlet-engine
  <section name="Configuration Directives Types">
  We'll discuss here the mod_jk directive types.
  <subsection name="Define workers">
  <b>JkWorkersFile</b> specify the location where mod_jk will find the workers 
  Take a look at <a href="workers.html">Workers documentation</a> for detailed 
    JkWorkersFile     /etc/httpd/conf/
  <subsection name="Logging">
  <b>JkLogFile</b> specify the location where mod_jk is going to place its log 
    JkLogFile     /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
  set the log level between :
  <b>info</b> log will contains standard mod_jk activity (default).
  <b>warn</b> log will contains non fatal error reports.
  <b>error</b> log will contains also error reports.
  <b>debug</b> log will contains all informations on mod_jk activity
  <b>trace</b> log will contains all tracing informations on mod_jk activity
    JkLogLevel    info
  <code>info</code> should be your default selection for normal operations.
  <b>JkLogStampFormat</b> will configure the date/time format found on mod_jk 
  Using the strftime() format string it's set by<br />
  default to <b>"[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]"</b>
    JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
  <b>JkRequestLogFormat</b> will configure the format of mod_jk individual 
request logging. 
  Request logging is configured and enabled on a per virtual host basis. 
  To enable request logging for a virtual host just add a JkRequestLogFormat 
  The syntax of the format string is similiar to the Apache LogFormat command, 
  here is a list of the available request log format options:
  <attributes name="Options">
    <attribute name="%b" required="false">Bytes sent, excluding HTTP headers 
(CLF format)</attribute>
    <attribute name="%B" required="false">Bytes sent, excluding HTTP 
    <attribute name="%H" required="false">The request protocol</attribute>
    <attribute name="%m" required="false">The request method</attribute>
    <attribute name="%p" required="false">The canonical Port of the server 
serving the request</attribute>
    <attribute name="%q" required="false">The query string (prepended with a ? 
if a query string exists, otherwise an empty string)</attribute>
    <attribute name="%r" required="false">First line of request</attribute>
    <attribute name="%s" required="false">Request HTTP status code</attribute>
    <attribute name="%T" required="false">Request duration, elapsed time to 
handle request in seconds '.' micro seconds</attribute>
    <attribute name="%U" required="false">The URL path requested, not including 
any query string.</attribute>
    <attribute name="%v" required="false">The canonical ServerName of the 
server serving the request</attribute>
    <attribute name="%V" required="false">The server name according to the 
UseCanonicalName setting</attribute>
    <attribute name="%w" required="false">Tomcat worker name</attribute>
    JkRequestLogFormat     "%w %V %T"
  <subsection name="Forwarding">
  The directive JkOptions allow you to set many forwarding options which will 
enable (+)
  or disable (-) following option.
  JkOptions <b>ForwardKeySize</b>,  you ask mod_jk, when using ajp13, to 
forward also the SSL Key Size  as 
  required by Servlet API 2.3.
  This flag shouldn't be set when servlet engine is Tomcat 3.2.x (on by 
    JkOptions     +ForwardKeySize
  JkOptions <b>ForwardURICompat</b>, you told mod_jk to send the URI to Tomcat 
  which is less spec compliant but mod_rewrite compatible, 
  use it for compatibility with Tomcat 3.2.x engines (on by default).
    JkOptions     +ForwardURICompat
  JkOptions <b>ForwardURICompatUnparsed</b>, the forwarded URI 
  is unparsed, it's spec compliant but broke mod_rewrite.
    JkOptions     +ForwardURICompatUnparsed
  JkOptions <b>ForwardURIEscaped</b>, the forwarded URI is escaped and 
  Tomcat (since 3.3 rc2) will do the decoding part.
    JkOptions     +ForwardURIEscaped
  JkOptions <b>ForwardDirectories</b> is used in conjunction with 
  directive of Apache web server. As such mod_dir should be available to Apache,
  statically or dynamically (DSO)
  When DirectoryIndex is configured, Apache will create sub-requests for
  each of the local-url's specified in the directive, to determine if there is a
  local file that matches (this is done by stat-ing the file).
  If ForwardDirectories is set to false (default) and Apache doesn't find any
  files that match, Apache will serve the content of the directory (if directive
  Options specifies Indexes for that directory) or a <code>403 Forbidden</code> 
response (if
  directive Options doesn't specify Indexes for that directory).
  If ForwarDirectories is set to true and Apache doesn't find any files that
  match, the request will be forwarded to Tomcat for resolution. This is used in
  cases when Apache cannot see the index files on the file system for various
  reasons: Tomcat is running on a different machine, the JSP file has been
  precompiled etc. 
  <p>Note that locally visible files will take precedence over the
  ones visible only to Tomcat (i.e. if Apache can see the file, that's the one
  that's going to get served). This is important if there is more then one type 
  file that Tomcat normally serves - for instance Velocity pages and JSP pages.
    JkOptions     +ForwardDirectories
  The directive <b>JkEnvVar</b> allow you to forward an environment vars from 
Apache server to Tomcat engine.
  <subsection name="Assigning URLs to Tomcat">
  If you have created a custom or local version of mod_jk.conf-local as noted 
  you can change settings such as the workers or URL prefix.
  <b>JkMount</b> directive assign specific URLs to Tomcat. 
  In general the structure of a JkMount directive is:
    JkMount [URL prefix] [Worker name]
    # send all requests ending in .jsp to worker1
    JkMount /*.jsp worker1
    # send all requests ending /servlet to worker1
    JkMount /*/servlet/ worker1
    # send all requests jsp requests to files located in /otherworker will go 
    JkMount /otherworker/*.jsp worker2
  You can use the JkMount directive at the top level or inside 
&lt;VirtualHost&gt; sections of your httpd.conf file.


  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/config/iis.xml
  Index: iis.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document [
    <!ENTITY project SYSTEM "project.xml">
  <document url="iis.html">
          <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Mladen Turk</author>
          <title>Configuring IIS</title>

  <section name="Requirements">
  The Tomcat redirector requires three entities:
  <b>isapi_redirect.dll</b> - The IIS server plugin, either obtain a pre-built 
DLL or build it yourself (see the build section).
  <b></b> - A file that describes the host(s) and port(s) 
used by the workers (Tomcat processes). 
  A sample can be found under the conf directory.
  <b></b> - A file that maps URL-Path patterns to 
  A sample can be found under the conf directory as 
  The installation includes the following parts:
  Configuring the ISAPI redirector with a default /examples context and 
checking that you can serve servlets with IIS.
  Adding more contexts to the configuration.
  <section name="Registry settings">
  ISAPI redirector reads configuration from the registry, create a new registry 
key named :
  <b>"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi 
  <attributes name="Key Name">
  <attribute name="extension_uri" required="true"><p>
  A string value pointing to the ISAPI extension 
  <attribute name="log_file" required="false"><p>
  A value pointing to location where log file will be created.
  (for example <b>c:\jakarta-tomcat\logs\isapi.log</b>)
  <attribute name="log_level" required="false"><p>
  A string value for log level 
  (can be debug, info, warn, error or trace).
  <attribute name="worker_file" required="true"><p>
  A string value with the full path to file
  (for example <b>c:\jakarta-tomcat\conf\</b>)
  <attribute name="worker_mount_file" required="true"><p>
  A string value with is the full path to file
  (for example <b>c:\jakarta-tomcat\conf\</b>)


  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/config/project.xml
  Index: project.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <project name="Application Developer's Guide"
      <title>Jakarta Tomcat Connector</title>
      <logo href="/images/tomcat.gif">
      Jakarta Tomcat Connector
      <menu name="Links">
          <item name="Docs Home"                  href="../index.html"/>
      <menu name="Configuration">
          <item name=""    href="workers.html"/>
          <item name="Apache"                href="apache.html"/>
          <item name="IIS"                   href="iis.html"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/config/workers.xml
  Index: workers.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document [
    <!ENTITY project SYSTEM "project.xml">
  <document url="workers.html">
          <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Mladen Turk</author>
          <title> configuration</title>

  <section name="Work in progress">

  To be finished!






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