mturk       2004/11/18 10:31:37

  Added:       jk/xdocs/install apache1.xml apache2.xml iis.xml project.xml
  Add new installation documents
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/install/apache1.xml
  Index: apache1.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document [
    <!ENTITY project SYSTEM "project.xml">
  <document url="apache1.html">
          <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Mladen Turk</author>
          <title>Installation for Apache 1.3.x</title>

  <section name="Building jk on Unix">
  The mod_jk build use the widely used configure system.
  <subsection name="Prepare your mod_jk configure from CVS">
  In case you get source from CVS, ie without an existing configure script,
  you should have autoconf for configuration and installation.
  To create jakarta-tomcat-connectors's autoconf script, you will need libtool 
1.3.3 or higher, 
  and autoconf 2.13 or newer.
  Those tools will not be required if you are just using a package downloaded 
  they are only required for developers.
  To create the configure script just type :
  <read />
  <subsection name="Using configure to build mod_jk">
  <p>The configure file produced using buildconf script will create all 
necesary make files.
  Here's how to use configure to prepare mod_jk for building, just type: 
  <read />
  <type>./configure [autoconf arguments] [jakarta-tomcat-connectors 
  You could set <b>CFLAGS</b> and <b>LDFLAGS</b> to add some platform specifics:
  <read />
  <type>LDFLAGS=-lc ./configure -with-apxs=/home2/local/apache/bin/apxs</type>
  If you want to build mod_jk for Apache 1.3, you should 
  use configure and indicate Apache 1.3 apxs location (--with-apxs)
  use make
  copy the mod_jk binary to the apache modules location
  make clean (to remove all previously compiled modules)
  then make.
  <subsection name="configure arguments">
  <p>Apache related parameters :</p>
  <attributes name="Parameter">
    <attribute name="--with-apxs[=FILE]" required="true">
    <p>FILE is the location of the apxs tool. Default is finding apxs in PATH.
  It builds a shared Apache module. It detects automaticly the Apache version.
    <attribute name="--with-apache=DIR" required="false">
    <p>DIR is the path where apache sources are located.
  The apache sources should have been configured before configuring mod_jk.
  DIR is something like: /home/apache/apache_1.3.33
  It builds a static Apache module.</p>
    <attribute name="--enable-EAPI" required="false">
    <p>This parameter is needed when using Apache-1.3 and mod_ssl, otherwise 
you will get the error message:
  "this module might crash under EAPI!" when loading in httpd.
  Not needed when --with-apxs has been used.</p>
  <p>JNI related parameters :</p>
  <attributes name="Parameter">
    <attribute name="--enable-jni" required="false">
    <p>Build the JNI worker and so the build process will require 
  some informations about your Java Environment. Most of the options are
    <attribute name="--with-java-home=DIR" required="false">
    <p>DIR is the  patch to the JDK root directory. Something like: 
    <attribute name="--with-os-type=SUBDIR" required="false">
    <p>SUBDIR is the os-type subdirectory, 
    configure should guess it correctly.</p>
    <attribute name="--with-arch-type=SUBDIR" required="false">
    <p>SUBDIR is the arch subdirectory, 
    configure should guess it correctly.</p>
    <attribute name="--with-java-platform=VAL" required="false">
    <p>VAL is the Java platform 1 is 1.1.x and 2 is for 1.2 anf higher, 
    configure should guess it correctly.</p>
  <p>Examples of configure use :</p>
  <note>Apache 1.3 build without JNI support</note>
  <type>./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs</type><br/>
  <section name="Building mod_jk for Apache on Windows NT/2K/XP">
  The module was developed using Visual C++ version 6.0, so having this 
environment is a prerequisite 
  if you want to perform a custom build.
  The steps that you need to take are:
  Change directory to the apache 1.3 source directory.
  If you want to build mod_jk for Apache 1.3, set an <b>APACHE1_HOME</b> 
environment variable which points 
  to where your Apache 1.3 is installed.
  Copy mod_jk.dll to Apache's modules directory.
  An example on how to build mod_jk for Apache 1.3:
  <note>Set location for Apache 1.3 sources</note>
  <typedos>set APACHE1_HOME=c:\apache13</typedos>
  <note>Change directory to the mod_jk module for Apache 1.3</note>
  <typedos>cd c:\home\apache\jk\native\apache-1.3</typedos>
  <note>Build the sources using MSDEV</note>
  <typedos>MSDEV mod_jk.dsp /MAKE ALL</typedos>
  <note>Copy the dll to your apache modules directory</note>
  <typedos>cp release\mod_jk.dll c:\apache13\modules\</typedos>
  If msdev is not in your path, enter the full path to msdev.exe. 
  Also, ApacheCore.lib is expected to exist in the 
<b>${APACHEX_HOME}\src\CoreD</b> and 
  <b>${APACHEX_HOME}\src\CoreR</b> directories before linking will succeed.
  You will need to build enough of the Apache source to create these libraries.
  This will build both release and debug versions of the redirector plug-in 
  An alternative will be to open mod_jk.dsp in msdev and build it using the 
build menu.
  <section name="Building mod_jk for Apache on MacOS/X">
  The configure file produced using buildconf script will create all necesary 
make files.
  The build process is the same as for Unix platforms. Here are the <b>Mac OS X 
(10.2.x)</b> build notes :
  Assuming that you are root :
  <note>For Apache 1.3:</note>
  <type>./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs</type>
  <type>cd apache-1.3</type>
  <type>make -f Makefile.apxs</type>
  <type>cp /etc/libexec/httpd</type>
  <section name="Getting mod_jk linked statically with Apache">
  mod_jk allows to install mod_jk in the Apache source tree to get a statically
  linked mod_jk. Having mod_jk in the httpd executable brings some performance
  improvements. The configure option --with-apache prepare mod_jk to install it
  in the Apache source tree.
  The examples below show how to get mod_jk in the httpd process.
  <p>Installation in Apache-1.3 :</p>
  <note> /home/apache/apache_1.3.33 is the directory where the apache-1.3 
  are located. </note>
  <type>./configure --with-apache=/home/apache/apache_1.3.33</type><br/>
  <note>Install the libjk library, mod_jk.c, includes and other files in
  /home/apache/apache_1.3.33/src/modules/jk: </note>
  <type>make install</type><br/>
  <note> Configure in the Apache sources: </note>
  <type>cd /home/apache/apache_1.3.33</type>
  <type>configure ... --enable-module=dir --disable-shared=dir \</type>
  <typenext>              --activate-module=src/modules/jk/libjk.a \</typenext>
  <typenext>              --disable-shared=jk</typenext>
  <type>make install</type><br/>
  The <code>--enable-shared=jk</code> is also working and builds a dso file.
  <note> Just change the configure in the Apache sources: </note>
  <type>configure ... --enable-module=dir --enable-shared=dir \</type>
  <typenext>              --activate-module=src/modules/jk/libjk.a \</typenext>
  <typenext>              --enable-shared=jk</typenext>


  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/install/apache2.xml
  Index: apache2.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document [
    <!ENTITY project SYSTEM "project.xml">
  <document url="apache2.html">
          <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Mladen Turk</author>
          <title>Installation for Apache 2.0.x</title>
  <section name="Building mod_jk on Unix">
  The mod_jk build use the widely used configure system.
  <subsection name="Prepare your mod_jk configure from CVS">
  In case you get source from CVS, ie without an existing configure script,
  you should have autoconf for configuration and installation.
  To create jakarta-tomcat-connectors's autoconf script, you will need libtool 
1.3.3 or higher, 
  and autoconf 2.13 or newer.
  Those tools will not be required if you are just using a package downloaded 
  they are only required for developers.
  To create the configure script just type :
  <read />
  <subsection name="Using configure to build mod_jk">
  <p>The configure file produced using buildconf script will create all 
necesary make files.
  Here's how to use configure to prepare mod_jk for building, just type: 
  <read />
  <type>./configure [autoconf arguments] [jakarta-tomcat-connectors 
  You could set <b>CFLAGS</b> and <b>LDFLAGS</b> to add some platform specifics:
  <read />
  <type>LDFLAGS=-lc ./configure -with-apxs=/home2/local/apache/bin/apxs</type>
  If you want to build mod_jk for 2.0, you should 
  use configure and indicate Apache 2.0 apxs location,
  then make.
  <subsection name="configure arguments">
  <p>Apache related parameters :</p>
  <attributes name="Parameter">
    <attribute name="--with-apxs[=FILE]" required="true">
    <p>FILE is the location of the apxs tool. Default is finding apxs in PATH.
  It builds a shared Apache module. It detects automaticly the Apache version.
    <attribute name="--with-apache=DIR" required="false">
    <p>DIR is the path where apache sources are located.
  The apache sources should have been configured before configuring mod_jk.
  DIR is something like: /home/apache/apache_1.3.33
  It builds a static Apache module.</p>
    <attribute name="--enable-EAPI" required="false">
    <p>This parameter is needed when using Apache-1.3 and mod_ssl, otherwise 
you will get the error message:
  "this module might crash under EAPI!" when loading in httpd.
  Not needed when --with-apxs has been used.</p>
  <p>JNI related parameters :</p>
  <attributes name="Parameter">
    <attribute name="--enable-jni" required="false">
    <p>Build the JNI worker and so the build process will require 
  some informations about your Java Environment. Most of the options are
    <attribute name="--with-java-home=DIR" required="false">
    <p>DIR is the  patch to the JDK root directory. Something like: 
    <attribute name="--with-os-type=SUBDIR" required="false">
    <p>SUBDIR is the os-type subdirectory, 
    configure should guess it correctly.</p>
    <attribute name="--with-arch-type=SUBDIR" required="false">
    <p>SUBDIR is the arch subdirectory, 
    configure should guess it correctly.</p>
    <attribute name="--with-java-platform=VAL" required="false">
    <p>VAL is the Java platform 1 is 1.1.x and 2 is for 1.2 anf higher, 
    configure should guess it correctly.</p>
  <p>Examples of configure use :</p>
  <note>Apache 2.0 build</note>
  <type>./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs2</type><br/>
  <type>cp ./apache-2.0/ /usr/lib/apache2</type><br/>
  <note>Apache 2.0 build with JNI support</note>
  <type>./configure --with-apxs=/opt/apache2/bin/apxs \</type>
  <typenext>--with-java-home=${JAVA_HOME} --with-java-platform=2 \</typenext>
  <section name="Building mod_jk for Apache on Windows NT/2K/XP">
  The module was developed using Visual C++ version 6.0, so having this 
environment is a prerequisite 
  if you want to perform a custom build.
  The steps that you need to take are:
  Change directory to the 2.0 source directory depending on your version of 
  If you want to build mod_jk for Apache 2.0, set an <b>APACHE2_HOME</b> 
environment variable which points 
  to where your Apache 2.0 is installed.
  Copy mod_jk.dll to Apache's modules directory.
  An example on how to build mod_jk for Apache 2.0:
  <note>Set location for Apache 2.0 sources</note>
  <typedos>set APACHE2_HOME=c:\apache20</typedos>
  <note>Change directory to the mod_jk module for Apache 2.0</note>
  <typedos>cd c:\home\apache\jk\native\apache-2.0</typedos>
  <note>Build the sources using MSDEV</note>
  <typedos>MSDEV mod_jk.dsp /MAKE ALL</typedos>
  <note>Copy the dll to your apache modules directory</note>
  <typedos>cp release\mod_jk.dll c:\apache20\modules\</typedos>
  If msdev is not in your path, enter the full path to msdev.exe. 
  Also, ApacheCore.lib is expected to exist in the 
<b>${APACHEX_HOME}\src\CoreD</b> and 
  <b>${APACHEX_HOME}\src\CoreR</b> directories before linking will succeed.
  You will need to build enough of the Apache source to create these libraries.
  This will build both release and debug versions of the redirector plug-in 
  An alternative will be to open mod_jk.dsp in msdev and build it using the 
build menu.
  <section name="Building mod_jk for Apache on iSeries/OS400">
  Since OS400 V4R5, iSeries (AS/400) has used Apache 2.0 as their primary web 
  replacing the old IBM webserver.
  It's now possible to build mod_jk on iSeries thanks to the help of the IBM 
  Rochester Labs which has provided information and patches
  to adapt mod_jk to OS400.
  You should have at least Apache 2.0.39, a C Compiler and IFS.
  Apache 2.0.39 is provided with the most recent set of PTFs for the iSeries 
  server, which can be found at <a 
  To configure mod_jk on iSeries use the CL source provided with the mod_jk 
  Get the latest mod_jk source and untar it on a Windows or Unix boxes
  Create a directory in IFS, ie /home/apache
  Send the whole jk source directory to iSeries directory via FTP.
  Then go to the iSeries command line :
  <note>Create mod_jk library</note>
  <type5250>CRTLIB MOD_JK TEXT('Apache mod_jk tomcat connector 
  <note>Create service program source file</note>
  <type5250>CRTSRCPF MOD_JK/QSRVSRC TEXT('Service program source 
  <note>Create the CL build program source file</note>
  <type5250>CRTSRCPF FILE(MOD_JK/QCLSRC) TEXT('Build program source 
  <note>Edit the service program source file</note>
  <type5250>STRSEU MOD_JK/QSRVSRC MOD_JK</type5250>
  In the edited file, specify that only jk_module should be exported :
  <note> Columns   . . :    1  71     Edit                               
  <note> SEU==>                                                                 
 MOD_JK </note>
  <note>        *************** Beginning of data 
************************************* </note>
  <note>0001.00 STRPGMEXP PGMLVL(*CURRENT)                                      
  <note>0002.00 EXPORT SYMBOL("jk_module")                                      
  <note>0003.00 ENDPGMEXP                                                       
  <note>        ****************** End of data 
**************************************** </note>        
  You could start to build all the modules of mod_jk :
  <note>Copy the CL build program source from IFS</note>
FROMSTMF('/home/apache/jk/native/apache-2.0/bldjk.qclsrc') +</type5250>
  <note>Build the CL build program</note>
mod_jk build program')</type5250>
  <note>Launch the build</note>
  <type5250>CALL MOD_JK/BLDJK</type5250>
  <note>If the build if successfull, copy the new mod_jk module</note>
  Next, you should restart your Apache 2.0 server and enjoy this piece of 
OpenSource on iSeries.
  <section name="Building mod_jk for Apache on MacOS/X">
  The configure file produced using buildconf script will create all necesary 
make files.
  The build process is the same as for Unix platforms. Here are the <b>Mac OS X 
(10.2.x)</b> build notes :
  Assuming that you are root :
  <note>For Apache 2.0:</note>
  <type>./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs</type>
  <note>(you should point to the directory where you installed Apache 
  <type>cd apache-2.0</type>
  <type>make -f Makefile.apxs install</type>
  <section name="Getting mod_jk linked statically with Apache">
  mod_jk allows to install mod_jk in the Apache source tree to get a statically
  linked mod_jk. Having mod_jk in the httpd executable brings some performance
  improvements. The configure option --with-apache prepare mod_jk to install it
  in the Apache source tree.
  The examples below show how to get mod_jk in the httpd process.
  <p>Installation in Apache-2.0 :</p>
  <note> /home/apache20/httpd-2.0.52 is the directory where the httpd-2.0 
  are located. </note>
  <type>./configure --with-apache=/home/apache20/httpd-2.0.52</type><br/>
  <note>Install the mod_jk library and other files in
  /home/apache20/httpd-2.0.52/modules: </note>
  <type>make install</type><br/>
  <note> It is not possible to configure Apache directly because the config.m4 
of mod_jk must
  be added to the configure of httpd-2.0. </note>
  <type>cd /home/apache20/httpd-2.0.52</type>
  <type>sh buildconf</type>
  <type>configure ... --with-mod_jk</type>
  <type>make install</type><br/>
  The enable-jk=share and enable-jk=static are not supported. --with-mod_jk only
  allow static linking of mod_jk.
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/install/iis.xml
  Index: iis.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document [
    <!ENTITY project SYSTEM "project.xml">
  <document url="iis.html">
          <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Mladen Turk</author>
          <title>Installation for IIS</title>

  <section name="Building ISAPI redirector">
  The redirector was developed using Visual C++ Ver.6.0, so having this 
environment is a prereq if you want 
  to perform a custom build. You should also have IIS developer SDK
  The steps that you need to take are:
  Change directory to the isapi plugins source directory.
  Make the source with MSDEV
  <note>Change directory to the isapi plugins source directory</note>
  <typedos>cd c:\home\apache\jk\isapi</typedos>
  <note>Build the sources using MSDEV</note>
  <typedos>MSDEV isapi.dsp /MAKE ALL</typedos>
  If msdev is not in your path, enter the full path to msdev.exe. 
  This will build both release and debug versions of the redirector plugin.
  An alternative will be to open the isapi workspace file (isapi.dsw) in msdev 
  build it using the build menu.


  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/install/project.xml
  Index: project.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <project name="Application Developer's Guide"
      <title>Jakarta Tomcat Connector</title>
      <logo href="/images/tomcat.gif">
      Jakarta Tomcat Connector
      <menu name="Links">
          <item name="Docs Home"                  href="../index.html"/>
      <menu name="Installation">
          <item name="Apache 1.3"            href="apache1.html"/>
          <item name="Apache 2.0"            href="apache2.html"/>
          <item name="IIS"                   href="iis.html"/>

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