On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 18:54:08 -0500, Andrew Jaquith
> Greetings,
> A while back I did some patch work on the catalina.realm.JAASRealm
> class. I learned a lot in the process.

Thanks for your patches -- I've been using them!  In my JAAS
LoginModule, I also tried to use JNDI resources, but gave it up for
other reasons.  I would be very interested in any headway that you
make in this area.  Also, it seems that JNDI *should* work from within
the LoginModule since it's documented (by example) in the API docs:


Speaking of the JAASRealm, I tried to get my LoginModule to load from
my webapp's classpath, but with no success.  So, what does the
"useContextClassLoader" do, exactly?


Ian Flanigan

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