Remy Maucherat wrote:
I've thought about this more. Actually, maybe it's better to leave an indirection (and keep the compatibility as a bonus). Otherwise, we start to have to hardcode (or make configurable = more complexity) an ObjectName. So I think you probably have made the right choice.

Now that I have looked at it, I have some comments:
- nearly all of the logging is done as log.error(e), which isn't cool, because it logs e.toString() rather than a stack trace
- I think some special cases are needed for Context handling (but it's not very high priority, the current stuff does the job):
* avoid saving information which is in the default context configuration (I think MBeans should be added for exposing the context defaults)
* don't save "path" except in server.xml
* don't save "docBase" if the webapp is in the host "appBase"

It seems to work as well as the old code, so it's great :)


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