Is this mandatory ? I suspect there'll be a lot of build script/doc/habits/tool changes involved. CVS is working reasonably well at the moment, and a lot of tools have (finally) very good support for it.


Henri Yandell wrote:
Just wondering if the Tomcat community have any thoughts on a
migration to Subversion?

The process seems pretty easy, though Tomcat may be more complicated
than the usual CVS module. Infra have the process documented at:

The Jakarta status is in the wiki at:

The aim would be for all the tomcat modules to migrate into
asf/repos/jakarta/tomcat/ so that we can have a cleaner top-level
structure to the system, within that though the Tomcat community are
free to choose whatever strategy fits.

I've intentionally left Tomcat until last to nudge about this so as to
build up some experience within Jakarta of dealing with SVN as users
and as a migration. Some of you are probably already getting to grips
with svn following the Commons migration.

Just to provide the context for this, the Infra group are looking to
move from CVS to SVN in the long term and Jakarta were far and away
the main laggards in this. In the last month or so, a third of Jakarta
has moved over, so that's now improving.

Another question is whether the Tomcat community have any svn
expertise in terms of planning svn strategies, or whether we should
try to find some other committers to offer opinions.



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