Henri Gomez wrote:
Well we could provide the Tomcat load by many ways but I rather like
keep them compatible with AJP13 :

- Add a new message from jk to tomcat, like the CPING/CPONG, to get
the expect load on tomcat. jk could decide to send this information
packet each X requests.

IMO those kind of things are OK for occasional info needed. For AJP14 it will be used for topology discovery, and everything related to dynamic configuration.

- Add a custom header in reply but this one should be decoded by jk in
response and removed from browser response.

Yes, all runtime data that are closely bound to per-request basis, ie. have tendency to change frequently should be used with custom headers (or on AJP14 with extra tags), and removed from the pipeline of course. Things like warnings of Tomcat going down, or not accepting any new connections should be implemented in this fashion, because they are instant messages. Now that we have shared memory, the status will be visible across all child processes.


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