>From what I see in the 5.5.8 code the external entities cannot be
resolved since we provide an InputSource to the documentBuilder in
ParseUtils :

   private void processWebDotXml(ServletContext ctxt) throws JasperException {

        InputStream is = null;

        try {
            is = ctxt.getResourceAsStream(WEB_XML);
            if (is == null) {
                // no web.xml

            ParserUtils pu = new ParserUtils();
            TreeNode webApp = pu.parseXMLDocument(WEB_XML, is);
            if (webApp == null
                    || !"2.4".equals(webApp.findAttribute("version"))) {
                defaultIsELIgnored = "true";

As such when the documentBuilder found a partial external entities,
like <!ENTITY base      SYSTEM "base.xml">, it has no idea of its root
location and as such consider as a file and provide it a dummy base

What could be done it to use the ctxt.getResourceAsStream() after
cleaning the systemId reference from any file:// reference (ie:
file:///C:/eclipse3/base.xml => WEB-INF/base.xml).

Remmy do you agree on this since which such we stay independancy from
being on file or other way ?


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