On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 19:39:40 +0100, Remy Maucherat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Henri Yandell wrote:
> > On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 19:15:24 +0100, Mladen Turk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>Henri Yandell wrote:
> >>
> >>>Biggest warning I have is that the servitude takes time. It'll be a
> >>>lot less for Tomcat than it is for me in Jakarta, but it still takes
> >>>time.
> >>
> >>Well, I'll volunteer for CVS transition if no one else wants.
> >
> > Now's a good time to think about SVN *grin*.
> >
> > There's nothing official yet, but last I heard the proposal was to cut
> > CVS off at the end of the year.
> SVN apparently doesn't provide good enough tools for me. For example, I
> haven't been able to get a revision graph out of it. As a result, it is
> much less efficient than CVS for being able to isolate a change which
> causes a bug.

Yep, I'm in full agreement that 3rd party CVS support, and our
experience of CVS, is significantly better than SVN. SVN does fix some
bugs/basic issues that it seems we're never going to get fixed in CVS,
but I find myself pining for CVS's less intelligent tagging concepts.

However, SVN has sufficient advantages on the server-side for the
people administrating the Apache boxes to long for it, and the choice
of techs is a balance between various people's requirements.

I've nudged Infra to see if they're planning to propose the
CVS-tuning-off proposal to the community soon, as the earlier the
better. It was meant to be an item of discussion at the Infrathon, and
as far as I know the basic jist will be that they'd like to be off of
CVS by 2006. So that'll definitely be an issue coming soon for the
Tomcat community (and a few others).

Let me rephrase the above to suggest that it would be a good idea for
Tomcat to solve the SVN question prior to spending time on their SCM
migration. Jetspeed continued to use the jakarta-jetspeed module for a
long time after their promotion, so there's no hard requirement to cut
all the coupling at the same time. (Must check if jakarta-jetspeed is
still active :) ).


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