Bill Barker wrote:
Yeah, that works for me as well.  My problem now is that the APRized HTTP
Connector dies about 70% of the way through a test when I use the HTTPClient
option in JMeter.  A thread-dump shows all of the Workers waiting, and the
Poller polling, but nothing is happening.  It's a bit happier when I

There's not much wrong with that situation, since it's a bit hard to tell what the client is doing. Maybe it's the 62 sized poller causing trouble if running on Windows (you should get a message about that), in which case you'd need to build APR from scratch. Is the Acceptor thread still accepting and giving that to the workers ?

restrict maxThreads, but it still doesn't finish.  The Java HTTP Connector
finishes the test fine.

Not using the HTTPClient option works Ok, but the actual concurrency level
is much lower.

It's hard to tell what is going wrong. Is there logging showing attempted requests and failure codes ?


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